Chapter 1

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                      The Calling

The village of Amaris was peaceful, nestled between the rolling hills and dense woodlands, but there was one place everyone avoided—the Everdark Forest. For as long as Elara could remember, the villagers had spoken of it with hushed voices, warning children never to stray too close. They said it was cursed, a dark place where the Shadowkin—creatures of legend—lurked, bound by ancient magic. But for Elara, the forest was more than just a source of fear; it was a temptation.

She stood now at the edge of the village, staring into the thick wall of trees, her heart racing. The pull had started months ago—whispers in her dreams, soft and enticing, like a distant voice calling her name. At first, she had ignored it, convincing herself that it was nothing more than her imagination. But the voice had grown stronger, more insistent, until she could no longer resist the urge to step closer, to listen more carefully.

“Elara!” Mara’s voice broke through her thoughts, dragging her back to reality. She turned to see her friend hurrying toward her, concern etched on her face.

“You weren’t thinking of going in there, were you?” Mara asked, grabbing her arm and pulling her back from the tree line. “You know what they say about that place. It’s dangerous.”

Elara sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I know, Mara. I’m not going in. I was just... looking.”

“Looking?” Mara’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “At what? The trees? There’s nothing but darkness in there, Elara. You shouldn’t even be this close.”

Elara smiled weakly, trying to ease her friend’s worry, but the truth gnawed at her. Something inside her had changed over the past few weeks, something she couldn’t explain. It was as if the forest was calling to her, beckoning her into its depths, whispering secrets only she could hear.

That night, as Elara lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling of her small, simple room, the voice returned. It was soft at first, a gentle murmur on the edge of sleep, but it grew louder, more distinct, until she could make out the words.

“Elara... come... come to me...”

She sat up, heart pounding, her eyes darting to the window. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a pale light over the village, but beyond the village walls, the forest loomed, dark and mysterious. She could feel it calling her, pulling at her very soul. Without thinking, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, her bare feet touching the cold wooden floor.

“This is madness,” she whispered to herself, but even as she spoke the words, she found herself reaching for her cloak, pulling it over her shoulders. The voice in her mind was relentless, urging her forward, and she knew—deep down—that she had to go. Something was waiting for her in the forest, something that had been waiting for a long time.

Elara slipped quietly out of the house, careful not to wake anyone. The village was silent, the only sound the soft rustling of leaves in the wind. She moved quickly, her heart pounding in her chest, until she reached the edge of the forest.

For a moment, she hesitated, staring into the dense thicket of trees. The stories the villagers told as children came flooding back to her—tales of shadowy figures lurking in the darkness, of people who wandered into the forest and never returned. But the pull was too strong. She had to know what was inside.

With a deep breath, she stepped forward, the trees swallowing her in their shadow. The air grew colder, the light of the moon barely reaching through the thick canopy above. The deeper she went, the more the world seemed to change. The village felt distant, like a fading memory, and all she could focus on was the darkness ahead.

“Elara...” the voice whispered again, louder now, almost urgent. “Come closer...”

She moved deeper into the forest, her footsteps quiet on the soft earth. The mist began to rise around her, thick and swirling, obscuring her vision. She stopped, her heart racing, her breath coming in short gasps.

And then she saw him.

A figure, tall and cloaked, standing in the mist. His face was hidden in shadow, but she could feel his eyes on her, watching her every move. Fear gripped her, but something else stirred within her as well—curiosity, and a strange, undeniable pull toward him.

“Who are you?” she whispered, her voice trembling.

The figure didn’t move, but his voice echoed in the darkness.

“I’ve been waiting for you.”

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