Chapter 2

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Its been 3 months and things has changed since then, but some things stayed the same. Today is their last day and tomorrow everyone is going home.

Jenna and Sonya are jogging around camp early in the morning, around 6 am. The sun is warm, casting a golden glow over the trees, while the air is still cool and crisp. Dew sparkles on the grass, and the sounds of birds chirping fill the air.
"Just a few more laps and we're going back to our cabin, ok Sonya?"
Jenna says with a smile, her breath visible in the chilly air.
"Ok, but how come your brother isn't coming with us anymore? It was his idea in the first place,"
Sonya asks, almost out of breath, her cheeks flushed from the exercise.
"Ever since the 2nd month, he's been seeing someone frequently,"
Jenna replies,
"Did he get a girlfriend?"
Sonya asks with curiosity, her eyes widening slightly.
"I think so, he's been acting lovey-dovey ever since,"
Jenna replies with a chuckle as they now jog towards their cabin.
"Wow, he completely ditched us. Do you know who it is?" Sonya then asks, her curiosity piqued.
"No, he didn't admit that he has one either, so I don't know really,"
Jenna says with a shrug. As they get closer to their cabin, the smell of pine trees and the earthy scent of the forest surround them, adding to the peaceful morning atmosphere.

Andrew wakes up at 8 in the morning, hearing Fredd's quiet groans of discomfort. He sits up in his bed, blinking sleepily, and notices Zeck already awake, as usual, just sitting there and reading his ghost stories. The room is dimly lit by the early morning sun. Jack is still asleep and snoring loudly, while Milo has his pillow over his ear to try and block out the noises. The cabin is filled with the scent of pine and the faint sound of birds chirping outside.
Andrew gets up from his bed, his feet making a soft thud on the wooden floor, and walks over to Fredd. Fredd is asleep but shifting around restlessly, whimpering softly.
" hurts..."
Fredd says quietly, a small moan escaping his lips. Andrew realizes that it's one of Fredd's nightmares again. Concerned, he gently shakes Fredd awake, feeling the tension in his friend's body. It takes a few minutes before Fredd finally wakes up from his dream, his eyes fluttering open.
Fredd rubs his eyes, feeling the tears about to come out. "Heh...sorry, it's just one of my stupid dreams again..."
he says with a nervous laugh, looking at Andrew and trying to stay calm about it. The room feels heavy with the unspoken weight of Fredd's distress, and Andrew can see the remnants of fear in his friend's eyes.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
Andrew asks, his voice gentle and filled with concern. He sits down on the bed beside Fredd, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight. Fredd considers it for a moment, his eyes darting around the room before he looks away, his face shadowed by his dark thoughts.
"No... I don't wanna think about it,"
Fredd replies, his voice barely above a whisper. He pulls his knees up to his chest, trying to make himself smaller, as if he could hide from the memories.
"Oh, okay. Well, if you need someone to talk to... I'm here. Or you could talk to the counselor about it,"
Andrew says, offering a faint smile and patting Fredd's shoulder reassuringly. The warmth of his touch seems to ease some of the tension in Fredd's body, and Fredd manages a faint smile in return, though his eyes still hold a hint of sadness. Andrew heads over to the bathroom, the sound of the door closing softly behind him. He starts his morning routine, the sound of running water and the clinking of toiletries providing a mundane backdrop to the tension in the room. Just then, Jack stirs from his slumber, his snoring coming to an abrupt stop. He rubs his eyes groggily and sits up, his hair a tousled mess.
"What's going on and uh what time is it?"
he mumbles, still half-asleep, as he looks around the room, trying to make sense of the situation.
"It's like 8 in the morning,"
Milo replies, taking the pillow off his ear and glaring at Jack. "And you've been snoring all night!"
he adds with annoyance, his voice sharp in the quiet morning. Jack chuckles, a bit embarrassed, before he gets up and stretches, his joints popping audibly in the stillness. Jack's eyes quickly scan the room and land on Fredd, noticing the distress etched on his friend's face. His expression softens, and he walks over to Fredd, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, you okay?"
he asks softly, concern evident in his voice.
Jack sits next to Fredd on the bed and wraps an arm around him, pulling him close.
"Hey, It's okay, it was just a dream. He's not here,"
Jack says softly, his voice filled with concern for Fredd's recurring nightmare. Fredd rests his head on Jack's shoulder, the warmth and comfort of Jack's presence helping to ease his anxiety. He doesn't say anything, but the tension in his body begins to melt away. Jack holds Fredd for a while, gently rubbing his back in soothing circles. After a few moments, he sneaks a kiss on Fredd's cheek, a tender gesture meant to reassure him. Fredd blushes slightly, the color rising to his cheeks, and he responds by kissing Jack back on the cheek, a small but meaningful reciprocation of affection. Milo, now fully awake, sits up in his bed. He reaches for his journal on the nightstand, flipping it open to a fresh page. He begins writing, his pen moving swiftly across the paper as he documents the events of the morning and his thoughts. The scratch of the pen is a quiet counterpoint to the soft murmurs and movements in the room. No one noticed what Fredd and Jack did. In the bathroom, Andrew is brushing his teeth, the rhythmic sound of the bristles against his teeth filling the small space. He finishes up and rinses his mouth, then looks at himself in the mirror. He takes a moment to study his reflection.
"Mmm, I should really lose some weight. I'm getting chubbier,"
Andrew mutters to himself as he turns to the side to view his gut, his eyes tracing the slight curve of his stomach. He puts his paw on it, feeling the softness beneath his touch. For a moment, he frowns, contemplating the idea of slimming down. But then, a smile spreads across his face as he rubs his tummy in small circles. The more he looks, the more he decides that he actually likes this new look.
"Actually nah, I'm gonna keep this tummy,"
he declares with newfound confidence. He gives his stomach a gentle pat, appreciating the extra bit of cushion.
As he leaves the bathroom, he feels a sense of contentment.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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