Brother and Sister

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TW: miscarriage, blood

Sometimes, peaceful nights of sleep are not meant to rest from a tiring day, but rather to prepare for another tiring day.

The morning was nearly over when Aegon woke. Even before opening his eyes, the prince reached out for his betrothed in the bed, but Jace was not there. And when he looked around the room, he was nowhere to be found.

It would be a lie to say he didn’t feel slightly abandoned. He had hoped to wake up beside him after sharing such an intimate moment the night before. Yet, he would not jump to conclusions; Jace was a very kind boy, and he must have had some engagement that required him to leave before Aegon awoke.

Rising, Aegon pondered how he might leave the room without tarnishing Jace’s reputation, but there was no way. He could not stay there much longer; at some point, a servant would come to tidy the room. However, if he left through that door and someone saw him, both he and Jace would be in trouble. Aegon pressed his ear to the door to listen for movement in the corridor, but nothing seemed to be happening. Being daytime, perhaps there were no guards stationed nearby.

He opened the door slowly and peeked out. To his fortune, the hall was empty. Aegon darted to his chambers at the end of the same corridor. Upon entering, he sighed in relief.

"My prince," Elio turned, having been organizing Aegon’s wardrobe, placing the clothes the prince had brought from the Red Keep. "I did not know where you were. I’ve been here for hours," he said, his voice disheartened.

Aegon smiled.

"Did you arrive long ago?" the prince asked as he went to the small table to pour himself some water.

"We arrived in the middle of the night."

"I spent the night with Jace, if you were wondering." Aegon didn’t mind telling Elio. He surely wouldn’t tell anyone. "I find it odd that Jace didn’t wake me to come back here. They must be suspicious of where I was."

"The castle has more important matters to worry about, my prince."

"Speaking of the castle, have you had a chance to explore it? I loved every piece of it."

"I have not had the chance, my prince. I was instructed to remain in your chambers until further notice." Aegon frowned.


Elio shrank slightly. He placed the last garment in the wardrobe and approached Aegon, who had sat at the table and begun his breakfast.

"Seven hells... You look troubled. Has something happened?" the prince asked, noticing the delicate features of Elio’s face displaying an almost sorrowful expression.

"At the end of the journey, when we were nearly here, Princess Rhaenyra began to bleed. She went into labor during the night. I believe the child did not survive, according to what the maid who brought your breakfast said." Aegon immediately put his food aside, his eyes widening.

"And my sister? Is she alive?" he asked, alarmed.

"Yes, I believe so. But there is commotion in the castle. I am unsure of what is happening, though it seems dire."

"Was it because of the sea journey? Is that why she went into labor?" Aegon stood up. "Am I the reason she lost the child?"

"No!" Elio placed a hand on Aegon’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. "The journey was excellent; we had no troubles. I was close to the princess, and she seemed well. It was sudden. I do not believe the journey had anything to do with what happened."

"I should go to her. At least to see how she is. I..." Aegon sighed in frustration. "I should not have rushed things. Had she been in King’s Landing, perhaps none of this would have happened."

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