In Taboritsky's Footsteps

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Imperial Regent Andrey Dikiy paced through the meeting hall of the Verkhneudinsk Opera House, formerly that delusional brat Sablin's headquarters. His portraits and banners were thankfully stripped from the place and burnt, but Dikiy couldn't shake the feeling that there was still something lurking about. Like after dealing with a rat Infestation, one still flinches at every sound from behind the walls or beneath the floorboards.

And yet there was another parasitic infestation to deal with.

"Men, followers of the tsar, keepers of Holy Russia! his voice boomed through the hall, staring over the small throng of officers and bureaucrats watching him. Even at their highest attendance, they could barely fill a third of the seats. We have been betrayed! The lying Jew Larionov didn't even wait for our Blessed Regent's body to cool before trying to seize power for himself! He seeks to keep the Tsarevich hidden, no doubt so the Polack to our west can join forces with him! These deceitful parasites have wormed their way into our administration, trying to undermine those who still believe in the truth and await blessed Alexei's return! Thankfully, I have told the Shturmoviki to deal with them!"

On cue, Shturmoviki stepped forward from the wings and started grabbing men in the audience, dragging them to a fate nobody had to guess. At first, the targets seemed obvious; rivals for regional power. pragmatic collaborators who lacked ideological loyalty, suspected crypto-Jews, and the like. Then they started grabbing others, those who as far as anybody knew had done nothing wrong or disloyal. One stood up and proclaimed "God save Alexel, the tsar who shall be, and God bless his holy regent Others joined in, alternating between "Praise Alexei!" and "Praise Dikiy!" but was futile at stopping some of them from being dragged away. Even some of the Shturmoviki were suddenly arrested by their comrades.

When it was all over, the numbers of the audience had been reduced by about half, and the remainder were giving a fervent standing ovation to Dikiy - almost as if their lives depended on it.

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