Being separated from a child can have psychological effects on both the child and the parent, including:
Separation anxiety
A normal emotion in children, separation anxiety can cause excessive anxiety when separated from a loved one. Children with separation anxiety may have trouble sleeping, be clingy, or have panic attacks when separated from their parents.
Behavioral changes
Children may withdraw, be inattentive, or act aggressively. They may also have difficulty enjoying everyday activities, like playing with other children or attending school.
Depression and other psychological disorders
Studies have shown that divorce can lead to psychological disorders like depression and anxiety.
Negative emotions in parents
Parents may experience anguish, despair, guilt, blame, and depression after being separated from their child. These emotions can make it difficult for parents to learn life skills like coping with adversity and being resilient.
Negative consequences for children of separated parents
Children of parents who experience prolonged negative emotions may have higher rates of depression and other maladaptive behaviorsThe Science is Clear: Separating Families has Long-term Damaging Psychological and Health Consequences for Children, Families, and Communities.
Yet courts do it everyday. Not because a child is abused that's a crime and child protection services don't deal with crimes.
Neglect is the term they use. They do not define neglect.
It's a prescribed threat that has not occurred.They then build a case on the basic lies.
Drugs use, poor, not caring etc..
There lies go on and are always the same.If your children are healthy and young they will take them.
Good parents feel they have nothing to hide and lured into a trap.Bad parents are criminals and outsmart them with their own lies.
They spend years degrading you, making you live in fear.
They make up every lie they have in their play book.All this why visiting you once a month for 15 minutes.
Parent child forced separation
Non-FictionFor my children Delphi, Nathan, and Sahara