Chapter 1: Shelby

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 Rain fell overhead. The light drizzle had quickly turned into a full on downpour. Brown hair, now soaked, clung to my face. I pushed my glasses up, wiping off the frames only for more droplets to blur my vision. Tears were running down my cheeks. This whole trip had been for nothing. Would anyone even notice I was gone? Would anyone even care?

2 Weeks Earlier

I bounced my leg up and down in place, nerves at a sudden new high. This new information was not what I had in mind. When Ms. Johnson announced we were having a senior trip, I was expecting a day trip to the zoo or DollyWood, like most high schools in Tennessee. But no. My school had to be different.

The real question was how they were even affording it. Seriously? I know my graduating class wasn't massive or anything. There were maybe 80 of us. But still! The school was spending all this money for our class to spend two weeks at some campground. I just couldn't see the point.

Maybe that was just me being pessimistic. That's what Garret would say.

I turned to my lab partner who, for once, was listening intently to what Ms. Johnson was saying. His blue eyes were lit up, a smile spread across his face. He was practically vibrating from excitement. I knew Garret had been looking forward to this trip for so long, but the prospect of it being a camping trip clearly had the intended effect on him. Actually, most of the guys seemed to be taking it really well. Even the girls were getting excited now. Maybe I really was just being pessimistic.

I jumped as the bell rang, bringing me out of my head. Garret turned to me practically as soon as class had ended. I met his ocean eyes, practically letting myself drown in them. He shot me a grin and I could have stared at that face all day.
"Man, this is gonna be great! What a great note to end our senior year on. You excited, Shelb?" Garret asked. Yeah, his excitement was gonna last awhile. Mine on the other hand? Nonexistent. The reminder that everything would be ending soon didn't help matters either. My heart sank at the thought. It would really be over soon. We'd graduate. We'd start going to college. And then? I wasn't sure. All I knew is that Garret and I would be at different universities. I'd be losing my best friend. More than that though, I'd be losing the only boy I'd ever had feelings first.

But how do you tell your best friend you're in love with him? I'd known Garret since the sixth grade when I'd first moved to Hawkinsville. He was the first person to try and be my friend when poor little Shelby was too shy to even try. Not that I had much grown out of that. Though, now I knew what it was at least. An anxiety disorder. It was mostly generalized anxiety, just worrying about everything really. Getting that diagnosis was not the way I planned to start high school, but here I was nearly four years later. Still surviving, somehow.

"Shelby?" Garret asked again. I could tell he was starting to get impatient. He was never one to sit still for long. It made sense he was so involved with extracurriculars. I'm pretty sure Garret was part shark. If he stopped moving, he'd die. Not literally. Well at least I hoped not.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it!" I forced a smile onto my face. Truthfully? I was nervous. I felt sick to my stomach already. I knew it was just the anxiety talking, but I just hated the feeling of being gone for two whole weeks. I couldn't let Garret see that though, not when he was so excited for it. He didn't question it so I must have been convincing. Unfortunately, this was the only class we had together on Fridays. So when Garret left for baseball practice, I made my way to the cafeteria.


I found Robyn waiting for me at our usual lunch spot. The circular table had been shoved to the corner of the cafeteria since freshman year. It was right beside the doors leading outside and only had three chairs, one of which had a wobbly leg. Naturally, Robyn and I had claimed it as our own when we started high school, and somehow it had stayed our spot through senior year. I dropped my bag from my shoulder, leaning it against the wobbly chair, before slumping into my seat beside her. I pushed around the food on my plate: some form of chick, flavorless mashed potatoes, a stale roll, and the mandatory fruit cup. A balanced meal, clearly.

"Okay. Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you, or should I start guessing?" Robyn set her fork down, an eyebrow raised as she continued to watch me play with my food. I shrugged. Robyn was Garret's cousin, though unlike him, she could read me like a book. No matter how good I was at hiding my emotions, Robyn was better at digging them back up. She had known me as long as Garret. I had met her shortly after I met him, and we had been friends ever since.

"I think I'm gonna confess to Garret... on the trip..." I took a sip of water, suddenly feeling nauseous again. Robyn was just staring at me like a deer in headlights. She took a moment to adjust her headband as blonde curls fell out of its hold, framing her heart-shaped face. I prepared myself for the worst as she sucked in a breath. Robyn was well aware of the crush I'd been harboring for her cousin all these years. But, she also knew Garret better than anyone, myself included.

"Are you sure, Shelbs? Garret isn't exactly the perfect guy you think he is. I don't want you getting hurt because of my oblivious cousin." I knew Robyn was just looking out for me, but it still hurt that she didn't even think I had a chance. I knew Garret could be oblivious at times, and I knew he wasn't perfect. However, those ocean eyes and perfect smile made it nearly impossible to believe.

"How about you take this opportunity to meet someone new? There's plenty of guys that are much better options than Garret Walker."

I stared blankly back at her. How could she even suggest that?

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