Prompt #3

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Sentence Prompt: She really couldn't stand his eyes on her

People had warned her about him before they had even started dating. They had told her that he was a heart breaker and that he'd only cheat on her, but at the time it just fell on death ears. Unfortunately they were right and she had become the latest victim of his Infidelity.

She was having lunch in catering when he walked in and her stomach twisted uncomfortably. He sat down at the table opposite her and made no secret of staring directly at her. She really couldn't stand his eyes on her and she stood up to leave.

"Please just talk to me"

She turned around and looked down at where Seth had hold of her arm. His touch used to be comforting but now it was unpleasant

"Don't touch me" she begged as she pulled away from him

Seth's eyes were sad but she couldn't look into them because they reminded her too much of his betrayal

"Can I talk to you. Just for a second?" Seth asked

She simply shook your head, making it clear you didn't want to talk to him as she left the room.

Seth Rollins PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now