Caught (Eddie and Juicy)

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(So like, I had an idea- imma try and make angst bc I was struggling with pt. 2 of the lighthouse story 😓 but also I've really been wanting to write like this, so lemme know what you loves think! ♡♡♡ )

That's all for this one-)

Juicy Pov:

Fuck. I look down at my arm, the crimson blood trailing down and to the bathroom tiles. I groan, seeing as the bleeding isn't going to stop.

I stand, the cuts stinging my skin. I don't have to worry about anyone walking in on me since I'm in my bathroom, and I remember locking my own door and the bathroom door shut.

The Boys weren't even here yet, but they would be soon. I pick up my phone.

"12:42..." I gently read to myself. The boys said to meet at my house at one. I've got time.

I sit on the edge of the bath, about to bring the razor blade to my skin again when I take a shaky breath. I feel slightly dizzy, like the world is slowly turning around me.

I stand again, slower this time. Blood is still pouring down my arm. I step to the cabinet under the sink, reaching down and grabbing bandages.

I should probably wrap this rather than passing out. I'll probably just stop for now or find a new spot to keep going at.

I turn the faucet on, letting it run only a second before putting my cut up arm under the stream.

I hiss softly at the sting, softly making a fist with my other hand. God it hurts, but that's what I wanted from it I guess...

I turn the water off and dry my arm. The bleed has partially stopped now, only a bit still gathering at the cuts.

I'm in the middle of wrapping my arm when I hear the front door open then shut again. I freeze, instantly remembering how I had left the door unlocked for when the boys got here.

I dropped the bandages, my arm staying half wrapped as I grabbed my phone.

"12:50..." I read softly. 10 minutes.

I was supposed to still have 10 minutes.

Eddie Pov:

I made sure to come to the meet up a bit early, at least enough time to catch up with Juicy for a bit. None of us have met up in real life in a while, and it seems that he's gotten more preserved.

Of course, Juicy is still Juicy. He's as chaotic and funny as ever, but he just seems slightly different.

I'm not sure if I'm the only one to notice, but he's stopped recording as often, and when he does, he seems super tired.

Anytime I've tried to call him, we talk, but he avoids responding somehow anytime I ask how he's been.

I walk in, shutting the door behind me. I look around slightly, Juicy not in the room as I assumed he'd be.

"Juicy? I'm here!" I call out, shouting throughout the house softly. I make sure not to be too loud, but loud enough for him to hear me.

I walk around more, seeing the kitchen is also empty.

"Juicy?" I call out again, worry creeping into my thoughts. Just then, I hear shuffling from the direction of his room. I walk over to the door and knock softly.

"You in there man?"

Juicy Pov:

I quickly wrap my arm as soon as I hear Eddie call out.

It's messy and falling apart a bit, the blood slowly starting again and seeping through the bandages with how rough I was being.

I curse myself under my breath, unlocking my bathroom door and opening it just in time to hear Eddie knock on my room door.

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