Stress (Mully and Josh)

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(I've had like no motivation to write but so many ideas but now I have motivation so I'm just talking now-... that made like no sense BUT WHO CARES. ENJOY I GUESS I DONT KNOW LOVES ♡♡♡)

Mully Pov:

I'm sat on the couch, just scrolling through reels. I've been staying at Josh's house for a bit now, you know, making stupid videos and things.

The other boys have made their own videos together. They all got together without us, so we decided to make some together as well.

I also came to hang out with him a bit, but he hasn't been out at all. Come to think of it, he's hardly talked to me at all off camera.

What the fuck is that about?

I sigh, turning off my phone and putting it down next to me. It's not like I'm mad at him for not talking to me, but now I have to get to the bottom of it.

I get to his door. I gently turn the handle, trying to not make too much noise. I'm not even sure why I'm deciding to be sneaky about it, I could've just knocked, but I'm already in, so why not.

I open the door, Josh's chair facing away from me. I can see on his computer that he's been working on editing videos. Is that all he's been doing for these hours on end?

I walked a little closer, still not making a noise. I see cans of empty energy drinks littered over his desk, and an open pack of gum, only half full. That cannot be good for him.

Now that I think of it, I hadn't seen him eat a proper meal the whole time I've been here, and I've been here for atleast 48 hours. I can feel my eyebrows furrow in both confusion and concern.

I walk closer, basically right behind him. I was going to speak, ask how far he's gotten on editing, but I paused. He isn't looking at the screen.

He has his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his desk. He had his hands over his face, but mostly his eyes. He had his headphones on, which explains why he hadn't heard me this far. But the thing that catches my eye is something else. There's dots of water on the desk in between his elbows.

He's crying.

I see another tear fall, hitting the desk. I only now notice that his sleeves are slightly damp on the ends from catching his tears. He's surprisingly quiet while crying however. I would've never known unless I saw it.

He takes a soft and shaky breath, seemingly trying to compose himself. He wipes his eyes with his sleeves, softly cursing himself under his breath.

I frown and gently reach out to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey..." I say softly, trying to stop him.

Josh Pov:


I jump softly as something touches my shoulder. I quickly turn my chair around, my eyes landing on Mully. When the hell did he get in here?

It suddenly occurs to me that he must've seen me crying. I quickly clear my throat, sitting taller and wiping my eyes. I look to the side softly, avoiding his gaze.

"W-when did you get in here..." I say softly, sounding a lot more panicked than I'd hoped.

He was looking straight at my gaze, I could see it out of the corner of my eye.

"Josh, is this all you've been doing the last... well, day?" He said. His tone was... surprisingly gentle.

I shrugged gently "Yeah, basically..." I answered back, basically mumbling.

I saw him looking over my desk. He must've seen all the empty cans and the gum. My head's been absolutely killing me because of them, but I have to keep working. I've got to get more videos out.

He spoke again, his voice cutting through my thoughts. "When's the last time you've had a... proper meal?" He said, looking to me again as I still looked away.

He put emphasis on 'proper', and I knew he was referring to the empty cans and gum. I stayed silent for a while, but I knew I had to say something at least.

"I've eaten." I said, hoping it was convincing enough. I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at him now. I was hoping that'd make it seem more believable, but he looked at me as if he was searching me eyes.

I furrowed my brows. "The hell are you doing..." I whispered faintly. He suddenly spoke up after that.

"You're lying." He said blandly. I raised s brow at him.

"No I'm not."

"Yes, you are." He retorted quickly, not even missing a beat. "I can see it in your eyes, plus, you look like you could fall over at any point. Why aren't you eating good?"

He said it in a way that showed he wasn't taking any bullshit. I sighed, running a hand over my face. I don't think I can even think of getting out of this anymore.

"Look, it's not even that big a deal." I said, about to defend myself when he interrupted me.

"Whats wrong, other than you not eating right?" He spoke in a tone that was slightly demanding, but mainly just worried.

"What?" I asked in pure confusion. The hell was he on about?

"I walked in on you crying. Obviously somethings up." He said. His face suddenly softened into a look of concern. "You know I'm here if you need me, right?"

I sighed, resting my elbows on my knees while still looking at him. I speak softly, but firm. "I know, but I'm fine. It's not even that bad."

He raises a brow at me. "Not that bad? You look like you're a damn zombie."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes a bit. "Uh-huh, very funny."

"I'm serious! Why are you doing this?" He asks. He isn't being rude, he's concerned, I can tell. But he's being so God damn demanding.


I hadn't meant to snap at him, and by the look on his face, I can tell he wasn't expecting it. I look down and to the side, slightly embarrassed.

I feel tears well up in my eyes, but im not quite sure why. I take a few breaths, wiping the tears away.

Mully snapped me out of my thoughts, however. He grabbed my arm, quickly pulling me up from my chair. He quickly pulls me into a hug.

I practically fell into his arms, too caught off guard to resist. He wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me to his chest.

I was stunned for a bit, but eventually just have in, relaxing into his arms. I let some tears fall silently as we sat in a comfortable silence.

Mully Pov:

I just kept holding him for a while. I hated seeing him, or any of the people I love at that, like this. Despite this, I know I'm not the greatest at comfort, but I try.

After a long while, I gently pull away, softly wiping his tears away with my thumb. I sigh, looking to him as I spoke in a calm and soft tone.

"Alright, I figure you don't wanna talk about it. How about this, we go downstairs, I'll cook us some real food, and we can chill together. How's that sound?"

I said it with a tiny smile, internally hoping he'd be up for it. I let out a breath when he gently nodded. He still wasn't smiling, but he atleast wasn't crying.

I pulled him into another quick hug.

"I've always got you man."

I said softly before grabbing his hand and leading him into the kitchen. As we walked out, I saw him sigh and softly smile.


(Word count: 1363)

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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