The Clash Part 20

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Chapter 20: The Clash

Christiana's heart raced as she saw the confrontation unfold. "Stay strong!" she shouted, trying to keep the crowd focused. "Remember why we're here! We can't let them derail our message!"

But the atmosphere quickly escalated into chaos. Shouts of anger and fear filled the air, and the police officers moved in, attempting to control the situation. Christiana could see Zara and Marcus being pushed back, trying to protect each other amid the turmoil.

"Zara! Marcus!" she called out, but her voice was drowned by the cacophony. She had to act fast.

With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she pushed through the throng of people, determined to reach her friends. "We need to regroup!" she yelled as she wove her way toward them.

Suddenly, A.I. projected an urgent message in her mind: "The crowd is losing control. We need to diffuse the situation or risk serious harm."

"Okay, I need to buy us some time," she thought, her heart racing. She spotted a nearby news camera and sprinted toward it, her mind racing with a plan.

"Everyone, listen up!" she shouted, her voice cutting through the noise. "We can't let them divide us! This is our moment to stand together, not against each other!"

Some in the crowd turned toward her, confusion mixed with anger. But as she continued to speak, her words began to resonate. "We are stronger united! We have a message that must be heard! Let's focus on that instead of letting hate tear us apart!"

Slowly, the crowd began to quiet, a ripple of realization spreading through them. Christiana saw Zara and Marcus pushing through the throng, their faces determined.

"Get the cameras on us!" Marcus yelled, pointing at the news crew. "Show the world what unity looks like!"

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