Chapter 1 - What comes after the storm?

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....You suddenly hear someone yelling outside of your building. 'Another drunk homeless man' is what you're thinking but then... you hear that man screaming your name out loud in the middle of the night, slightly slurring his words

'Y/N, open the window, come down..... please, OPEN THE WINDOW, I KNOW YOU'RE HOME'

You're in shock for a moment, frozen in place, your hands shaking. You slowly move to your window in the living room, peeking through the curtains, your eyes wide open and you quickly yank the curtains away, opening the window... and there he is... with a boombox in his hands, serenading you with your favorite song....

Wait, wait, wait...hold on. This isn't right, it's too fast-forwarded, let's start from the beginning.

Let's start with you in this story, how you ended up there. You're a music artist, going by the stage name Incognito. A few years ago, you went to the Royal Academy of Music, just like your dad once did. Your family is full of musicians, your dad opened his own music school, your mom gives private classes for piano lessons and your younger brother is about to become a conductor. Your life sounds like a dream to everyone but little do they know that you've been having a hard time keeping up with the rest of your family, constantly being criticized of your career, your current label treating you like shit, not promoting you properly and on top of that, they pay you less than they should. Your current situation feels like a shit show to you, your mind going back and forth 'Should I just quit?' ...but if you do... they might disown you...but you know you deserve better and you love your job way too much but still you're not getting paid shit for your hard work, you do everything by yourself, you write your own songs, you even produce them, day and night you do everything for and by yourself with almost no help.

the night goes by

You're mentally drained, your heart aching, the thought of losing your career, the feeling that everything was for nothing bothers you so much, your insomnia gets worse each night, you just lay there, glassy eyes, the urge to scream at the world, the urge of bawling your eyes out drives you insane, so you get up from your bed... suddenly you get a call... who could it be, so late at night?
You look at the screen... it's your good old friend Kyung from the academy. You feel confused yet excited, still, you choose to pick up your phone

Y/n: ...Hey Kyung, what's up?
K: Hey y/n, I'm sorry, I know it's been so long... how have you been?
Y/n: you hesitate to answer, could she sense that you're feeling miserable right now? Wouldn't be the first time that she caught you in such a moment ...Are you some kind of witch? you chuckle
K: she laughs along Why is that?
Y/n: I don't know... you kinda once again caught me in a moment of self-doubt, just like last time
K: Really?...weird coincidence she giggles, clearing her throat the next second, her voice all serious Are you okey? Should I come over? I've got some news that I wanted to share with you... that's why I actually called but that's less important now, please tell me if you're not doing okey, I'm always here for you.
Y/n: Thank you Kyung, I'm just so stressed... I mean... if you want to come over and hang out with me I'm down... can't sleep anyway so company would be great
K: Alright, I'll be there at 11, is that okey?
Y/n: That's fine, see you then...
K: Love you, bye~
Y/n: ...bye you hang up

You clean your apartment a bit so it doesn't look so messy, before Kyung arrives. 15 minutes later, she rings the bell, you open the door for her, greeting her with a hug.

Y/n: Take a seat
K: Thanks... oh hun, you look so tired, what happened to you? her voice full of concern
Y/n: My insomnia happened you sigh
K: What about your meds?
Y/n: They don't help me anymore, the prescription is too weak...
K: Why don't we go to the clinic tomorrow, hmm? she tilts her head to the side
Y/n: ...sure you let out a yawn
K: Come, take a seat as well she taps the couch, telling me to sit next to her
Y/n: you take a seat right next to her So... what are the news you wanted to tell me? A new boyfriend? you jokingly wink
K: she laugh No... something better. You remember a few months ago, how I said I was applying for different labels?
Y/n: Yeah I remember
K: Well, I just got an email today and... I AM GOING TO BE A PART OF THE UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP she screams in excitement
Y/n: you jump up as she finishes her sentence OH MY GOD....THAT'S FANTASTIC GIRL... We need to celebrate this!
K: Oh, no, it's nothing she stays humble, just like the usual
Y/n: ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF? you grab her by the shoulders and shake her lightly THIS... IS YOUR WAY UP! YOU DID IT AND WE NEED TO CELEBRATE THIS...RIGHT NOW!
K: Okey okey, just stop yelling she giggles, clearly amused seeing you being so excited for her
Y/n: I know a good bar, not too far from her, I'll just change real quick
K: Nice, I'll wait here on the couch

you get into your bedroom, you pick up an elegant dress, fix your hair, put on some jewelry, make-up and perfume before heading out

Y/n: I'm ready
K: Damn, you look good in that dress, when's the last time you wore this?
Y/n: Hmm... probably graduation you laugh but hey... surprisingly, it still fits me
K: she smiles at you So should we get going?
Y/n: Yes, I'll just grab my bag you snatch your bag, Kyung already waiting at the door

You both put on your shoes, heading outside the apartment...

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