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I spent the entire day trapped in my house, caught in the crossfire of my mother's latest meltdown. Honestly, it was like a never-ending cycle of her screaming at me for doing nothing with my life while I sat there, stone-faced, pretending to care. "You're a disgrace!" she yelled, her voice rising in pitch. "Do you even have any idea how hard I work? And what do I get in return? Nothing!"

Her words bounced off me like bullets against armor; they had no effect. She was a broken record, stuck on repeat, and I was tired of listening. My dad's absence left a void she tried to fill with anger, and I was the closest target. In her eyes, I was just a constant reminder of her failures, a reminder of how my life hadn't turned out the way she wanted.

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath, knowing it would only provoke her further. I was tired of being her punching bag. It's not like she ever showed me any real love or support. I couldn't care less about her opinions or her expectations. I was done trying to be the son she wanted, so I decided to skip out on her nagging and head to the game.

As I pulled up to the field, the energy buzzed in the air, and for a moment, I felt a flicker of excitement. But then I saw her-Elena-cheering and waving in Noah's jersey, and that spark fizzled out. I couldn't shake off the irritation. What was she thinking? Who did she think she was, prancing around in that shirt like she belonged to him?

I strode toward her, trying to mask my feelings under a layer of arrogance. "What the hell are you wearing?" I barked, not caring how I came off. Her expression shifted from surprise to annoyance, and that only fueled my irritation further.

She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed. "It's a jersey, genius. You know, to support the team?" Her defiance only made me more irritated.

"Right, but why his jersey?" I pressed, crossing my arms and stepping closer. I had to admit, I liked the way she looked in it. The way it hung loosely on her frame made her seem almost... soft. But that didn't matter. She was supposed to be on my side, not parading around in Noah's colors.

She insisted it wasn't like that. But, watching her, wearing Noah's jersey, ignited something in me that I couldn't quite put into words. But one thing was clear: I was tired of sharing her with anyone, especially him.

As the game wound down, the excitement in the air was electric. The crowd roared as Noah sprinted down the field, his movements confident and effortless. When the final whistle blew, sealing their victory, he bounded toward Elena with a grin plastered across his face.

I stood back, arms crossed, my irritation simmering just below the surface. I tried to convince myself that I didn't care, but watching him approach her like that? It was infuriating. The way he celebrated, full of energy and charm, made my blood boil. I couldn't help but glare as he threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into the celebration.

"Did you see that goal?" he shouted, laughter bubbling from him as he threw his head back. "You're going to wear my jersey every game now!"

Elena laughed, the sound bright and light, and it made me clench my fists. Did she really think it was all just fun and games? I hated how easy it was for him to make her smile, how quickly she fell into that comfortable banter with him. I wanted to be the one making her laugh, the one she looked at like that.

"Yeah, well, I'm not sure I want to wear it again after you made me look like a clown!" she teased back, rolling her eyes.

Noah chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You loved it! Admit it!"

As they joked, I felt an unexpected surge of protectiveness. "Hey!" I shouted, making my way over. "Don't you think you're getting a little too comfortable there, Noah?"

He turned, his grin wide but his eyes narrowing slightly, sizing me up. "Relax, Landon. Just celebrating with my friend," he replied, a hint of challenge in his tone.

"Yeah, well, it looks like you're doing more than celebrating," I shot back, unable to stop myself.

Elena shifted awkwardly between us, clearly sensing the tension. "Guys, come on..."

But I didn't care. I was done playing nice. The moment felt charged, and I wasn't going to let him have this. I stepped closer to her him, feeling myself staring to black out.

Elena must have noticed my frustration, the way I was clenching my fists at my sides. It was like she had a sixth sense for my moods, and just as I felt the tension crackle in the air, she stepped in front of me, a calming presence.

"Me and Landon will meet you guys later," she said, flashing a smile at Noah and the others, that bright, sunny grin of hers that always seemed to light up the room-kind of annoying, honestly. It was the kind of smile that made everyone else melt, but right now, I wasn't in the mood to be charmed.

"Are you sure about that?" I replied, a hint of irritation creeping into my voice. I wanted to argue, to remind her that we weren't just here to hang out, that I was annoyed with her being so chummy with Noah. But there was something in her gaze that stopped me. She looked determined, almost defiant, like she was trying to pull me back from the edge.

Elena's presence had this way of cutting through my anger, and I hated that it worked so well. "Come on, let's just go. We can talk, and I'll explain everything," she urged, her voice soothing, even as I struggled with my own feelings.

"Fine," I snapped, not wanting to show how much I really wanted to stay. I didn't want Noah or anyone else to see me like this, to see how much I cared. "But this isn't over," I warned, casting a pointed look at Noah, who merely shrugged, his carefree attitude irritating me even more.

With Elena still in front of me, I felt the tension ease slightly, but it didn't erase the lingering jealousy. I let her guide me away from the group, her lightheartedness clashing with my brooding mood. She kept talking, asking about the game and the plays, but I was only half-listening, my mind stuck on how easy it was for Noah to pull her in, to make her laugh.

As we walked, I felt the weight of her smile, the annoyance of it all blending with something deeper. Did she even realize the effect she had on me? How easy it was for her to bring me back, even when I was ready to beat the shit out of everything in sight?

"Are you okay?" she finally asked, her voice softer now, genuine concern flickering in her eyes.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, trying to brush it off, but the truth was I was still irritated.

She frowned slightly, and for a moment, I thought I might have gone too far. But then she reached out and squeezed my hand, her warmth flooding through me, and I couldn't help but let out a small breath of relief.

Elena looked at me, her brow furrowed with confusion. "What the hell was that about?" she asked, crossing her arms. I shrugged her off, not wanting to dive into my irritation.

"It's not a big deal," she continued, her tone light, but I could hear the underlying curiosity. "We're just friends, Landon. Why does it matter so much to you?"

I clenched my jaw, irritation bubbling beneath the surface. I didn't want to unpack my feelings right now.

She let out a laugh, the kind that made my insides twist. "Wait, are you jealous?"

My stomach dropped, and I shot her a glare, trying to maintain my cool exterior. But deep down, I felt the heat creeping up my neck. It was infuriating how she could see right through me.

"Jealous? Of Noah? You can't be serious," I snapped, but the tremor in my voice betrayed me. She raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced, and I was left fumbling for words as I tried to dismiss the truth lurking behind her teasing. I hated that she could make me feel this way, that I even cared enough to be affected by Noah's playful antics.

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