Alex Reddick

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"Why did that old geezer want me to come?"

Alex could have spent the day enjoying his brand-new Lambo if it weren't for having to deal with all this nonsense.

He had sent him a message, an email, and even a letter to make sure he came. The envelope was still sitting on the passenger seat, stealing the spot from a pretty girl who could have been there instead.

Alex gritted his teeth just thinking about it.

He slammed down the accelerator. The gleaming yellow car roared through the streets of New York. After a few minutes of pure bliss and adrenaline, Alex arrived at his destination.

He didn't even need to open his own door, as a man was already there to do it for him.

'For once, it's not me doing it,' Alex thought, a wide smile spreading across his face.

He handed the keys to the valet standing in front of him. The man was wearing a perfectly tailored red wool suit and a matching cap.

"You'll take extra special care of this baby, won't you?"

"I'll do my best, Mr. Reddick, but you know in our line of work, there's no room for special treatment."

Alex's smile vanished. He didn't like the look on the valet's face, nor the insinuation in his words.

He got that look every day, accompanied by the same smirk. Eyes slightly narrowed, the corners of the mouth lifted, as if he were some kind of lowlife.

Alex had hated them all. Well, he still did, but he had found a way: make enough money to shut all their big mouths.

The Lambo he bought yesterday was just the first step.

Alex leaned in close to the man's shoulder and whispered in his ear:

"One day, I'll buy your worthless life and make good use of your sister as my maid."

He spat the words in his face. The valet smiled back. But it wasn't the condescending grin from earlier—it was a genuine, sincere smile.

"It's surprising, Mr. Reddick, that you can afford such a car on a doorman's salary."

He took the keys from Alex's hand before slipping into the driver's seat.

"Nothing's free in this world, Mr. Reddick, especially not in ours."

He closed the window without even giving Alex a chance to reply and drove off to park the car.

Alex watched his Lamborghini drive away, clenching his fists.

'I'll have skin him alive,' he thought, feeling the veins in his face throb.

He was pulled from his dark thoughts by a booming laugh behind him. He turned to see who it was and had to look down to spot the newcomer.

Alex wasn't tall, but he wasn't short either. However, the man in front of him couldn't have been more than five foot three (160cm) . He wore a custom-made suit and carried a briefcase in his hand.

He was laughing heartily, completely unfazed by the dark glare Alex was giving him.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, you really are your father's son, no doubt about it.

- And you are?

- Hahahahahahahahaha, who am I? Who cares! he replied, his eyes gleaming with mischief. I'm telling you! It must be in your blood or your genes, I don't know. That irresistible urge to kill people!

- I forbid you to insult my father!" Alex stepped forward. His tone had turned darker, more menacing. A storm brewed in his eyes as he began raising his hand to slap the insolent man standing before him.

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