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When Monkey D. Luffy found the one piece our world changed forever. As the events of void century were reviled to him, an anger unknown to him burst forth. Not a mortal anger, but the fury of a god.

This day marked the start of the Great War. A war with all against all. Luffy fought the 5 elders, and it is said the there clash brought forth quirks to the world. Many lives were lost in this Great War but the marines came out on top in its end.

As Monkey D. Luffy lay dying on the streets of Mary Gorosa, it's said that he spoke to the elders and said, "I promise, that one day, you will fall by my hands, so remember." "I always come back."

His death marked the end of the great pirate era. After these events, it is said that his crew fled with his body, and buried themselves in their captain's hometown. Then the world flooded, some say to hide what happened.

"Of course, while this is a popular story, it is based in fakery." The teacher spoke, having finished the story. "It has been proven that the pirate many love was actually a ruthless destroyer." The teacher concluded. "Your assignment for tonight is to write an essay about his actions and your view on him as a person." The teacher said.

"Pff, you extras can do that." Spoke Bakugo, an angry Pomerania with a superiority complex. "Who you callin extras?!" The rest of the class yelled at him. All except one Izuku Midorira, a quirkless nobody, and Bakugo's personal punching bag.

As school ended, Midorira was in thought, mostly about the assignment. For some reason, he felt a close connection to that Luffy fella. As he walked home, he heard a voice that brought fear to his heart.

"Run." Spoke the voice. The made him start sprinting away with all his might, but not fast enough. Bakugo punched him, blasting Izuku into the Suicidal Forest.

After regaining his consciousness, he noticed the sun starting to set. After an hour of wandering the woods trying to find an exit, he sat down on a tree. He then began to cry, at his luck, his horrible life, and lack of quirk.

Suddenly, the floor beneath him caved in. He felt the rush of falling and the snapping of roots, then he blacked out.


"What happened?" Izuku asked as he awoke. As the memories came back to him, he noticed how his surroundings looked. "What is this place?" He asked.

He was in a large stone room. In front of him were 10 pedestals, all placed in a circle. Each pedestal had an item on it. From staff to swords to a slingshot, to a strange wooden box with a hat on it. On one side, there was a bookcase, old and dusty with age. The other, a dresser.

He then noticed a particular flag on the wall. A flag with a skull, crossed bones, and a straw hat atop its head. That was the flag of the straw hat pirates! "Could the legend be true?" Izuku asked himself. Could they have really buried themselves?

He then checked his phone and snapped back to reality. He needed to get home. His mother must be worried sick. As he thought of how to get out, he noticed a lever on the wall. Acting on impulse, he pulled it, opening a passageway.

Walking down the path, it led him to a large dock, where a massive ship was docked. "This could be my ticket out of here!" Izuku thought. If he could get the door to the dock open, he could sail the ship out!

After managing to get the door open, Izuku went back to the first chamber and grabbed everything of historic value in the room. He then went back, placed them on the ship, and raised the anchor. After 600 years, the sunny set out to sea again.

"I wonder what all that stuff was about." Izuku wondered aloud. "I can be of help with that." A voice spoke aloud. "W-who said t-that?" Izuku trembled, as the sails unfurled. "I guess an explanation is in order." The voice spoke again.

The voice came from a skeleton in a suit with a cane. "Hello, I'm.." the skeleton spoke, walking over, but Izuku fainted. "I'll look after him until he awakens, but I don't have eyes, Yohohooo." The skeleton said, laughing at his own joke.

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⏰ Last updated: 11 hours ago ⏰

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