Chapter one

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Chapter one

Draco walked up to his friends, including his sister with his smug grin gracing his lips.

"Hey guys." He managed to whisper out once he had sat down right next to them.

"Draco, I don't think this is a good idea, Laura seems like a  nice girl you should not do it." Dove  tells Draco

"Look sister, I.. I. Need the gallons for this And it's a bet and I'll make this happen."

"You are gonna regret it Draco." She says with an huff as he rolled his eyes.

"I am not besides what's the harm?"




Laura looked at Ron seeing him stuff his face as she looked-visibly disgusted.

"Will you stop eating?! Like slow your ass."  She said just as Hermione agrees with her.

"Jeez sorry.." he mumbled softly when Harry reached the table "hey what's going on?"

"Nothing. Just the usual. Ronald was stuffing his face." She says as Ginny nods chuckling "yeah. Laura yelled at him to slow it down."

"Did she now?" Harry quirked his eyebrows up in amusement.

"Nothing new brother I would've done it already." She inquired with a shrug.

"I know you would." He says to his sister with a grin unaware, of malfoy and his intentions.

"So how about I high the gallons up?" Draco asked when Theodore looked at him.

"Oh fuck. How much?" He asked his friend raising his eyebrows.

"200 gallons."

"Fine." He mumured and grinned while doing so. "But you'll get it afterwards." He confirms.

"Good." He had said staring at the brunette girl who was..

at the Gryffindor table flicking her brothers forehead, about something he said or did

Afterwards, of dinner she was sitting by the lake. "What do you want malfoy?" She asked

"I  was coming by to say hi." He says and she rolled her eyes "hi." She sarcastically said
Shrugging her shoulders.

That simple comment coming out of the girls mouth made him smile.

No one's  ever done that before.

It felt..

weird kind of.

"You're not afraid of me are you potter?" He asks sitting right next to her, as he sees a sly smile appear on her face.

"Afraid of you, why would I be?" She asked letting a laugh, at the most obnoxious thing she's ever heard.

"Well most people seemed to be." He said while shrugging his shoulders looking over at her

"I'm not, you're not scary." She said before adding on. "Just annoying.. sometimes."

"So if you're not afraid you must've, dreamt about me huh?" He said with a smirk.

She quirked her eyebrows up amused and annoyed "am i delusional? I want you, Draco! Oh I need you so bad."

She sarcastically says with an eye roll before he spoke up.

"oh darling, are you being sarcastic to be honest. I find that really endearing." he points out with a smile.

"Endearing? Do you even know what that word even means Draco?" She asked crossing her arms, with that petite figure of hers.

"Isn't it a word for affection, with a particular someone?" He asked tilting his head

She blinked impressed. "Huh, that's.. impressive didn't know you were smart."

"Why? What did you think I was?" He asked staring into Lara's hazelnut eyes.

"I thought you were an asshole with a pretty face." She bluntly said with an amused look.

"Touche." He whispered with a smile, shaking his head. "So.. about that date-"

"The answer is still a No."







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