May 22

25 2 0

Dear Diary, As soon as dad got home I was ready to go to Florida all we were waiting on was for him to finish packing.then we packed the car up an left to go to Florida I was very excited the whole time I was texting my friends about what I was doing in the car while listening to music. I asked my mom how long until we get to Florida an she 2 more hours. So for the rest of the time I took a nap an next thing I knew when I woke up we where at Florida. It was beautiful the trees the waves all of it. After maybe 20min where at the Condo it was big an pretty I just wished that we could live there. My room was so pretty I was pink with strips an it had a huge bed with a humongous tv just like the master bed room. Then when I went to the bathroom it was all so pretty. I would say this was the best vacation ever.

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