
14 1 0

Charles Leclerc

I thought racing would give me clarity. That somehow, being back in the car would be enough to block out everything happening between Athena and me. But it's not. Even the roar of the engine isn't loud enough to drown out the thoughts in my head.

She's here today, at the track. We're on the same team, after all, but it feels like we're miles apart. We haven't really spoken since that day – the day she slapped me, told me to get out. I called her an asshole, and she made sure I paid for it with that slap. I knew she was hurting, and I probably deserved it, but it didn't make the sting any less. Emotionally or physically.

I catch a glimpse of her across the garage, talking with Fred. She's standing there, head high, acting like she's okay. But I know her better than that. Beneath the surface, she's probably barely holding it together. Just like me.

I walk toward her, hoping this time, maybe we can talk. I want to make things right, or at least try to. But the second she sees me, her whole demeanor shifts. That familiar fire lights up in her eyes, and I know what's coming before she even opens her mouth.

"You think calling me an asshole was a good move, huh?" she snaps, crossing her arms as soon as I'm within earshot. Her voice is low, but her words cut just the same.

"Athena, can we not do this right now?" I sigh, trying to keep my voice steady. "I came to talk, not fight."

"Oh, right. Because talking is what we're good at," she spits, sarcasm dripping from her words. "Maybe if you actually tried to understand what I've been going through instead of accusing me—"

I raise my hands in surrender, feeling the frustration start to bubble up inside. "Look, I get it. I said something I shouldn't have. I know. But you weren't exactly being fair either."

She takes a step closer, lowering her voice even more so that no one else in the garage can hear. "Fair? You called me an asshole, Charles. After everything—" Her voice breaks, but she quickly recovers, her expression hardening. "You don't get it, do you? You don't know what it's like to feel like you're drowning and have no one to pull you out."

I clench my jaw, trying to stay calm, but it's hard. "I'm trying, Athena. But you keep shutting me out. How am I supposed to help if you won't let me in?"

She stares at me for a long moment, eyes flashing with a mixture of hurt and anger. "Maybe I don't want your help."

Before I can say anything else, she turns and storms off toward Fred, leaving me standing there like an idiot. I watch her go, feeling like the gap between us just got wider. I don't even know where we go from here.

The team is already gearing up for practice, but I can't focus. I'm supposed to be listening to the strategy, but my mind keeps drifting back to Athena. I see her in the corner with Fred, talking tactics, pretending like everything's fine. But I know it's not. Not for either of us.

Fred catches my eye and nods me over. I walk toward him, but my eyes are still on Athena. She doesn't look at me once.

"Charles, focus," Fred says, handing me a tablet with the day's strategy. "We need you in the right headspace."

I nod, forcing myself to look at the data, but it's no use. The tension between Athena and me is palpable, even if we're trying to act like it's not affecting us. I can feel it in the garage, in the way the engineers hesitate to talk to me, like they know something's wrong but don't want to ask.

By the time we're done with the briefing, I'm already exhausted. And it's only practice. I should be laser-focused, but my mind's all over the place. Max is leading the championship now, and it's killing me. I should be thinking about that, about how to close the gap, but all I can think about is Athena.

I get into the car, helmet on, trying to block it all out. But as soon as I hit the track, it's like everything comes crashing back. The fight, the divorce, Aylin asking where I am... it's all too much. I push the car harder, trying to lose myself in the speed, in the rhythm of the turns, but the focus isn't there. Not really.

When I pull back into the garage, I rip my helmet off, frustrated with myself. My performance was sloppy, and I know it. The team knows it too. I can see it in their faces. They won't say anything, not yet, but the disappointment is clear.

I glance over at Athena again. She's talking to one of the engineers, her back to me. I want to go to her, to try and fix this, but I know it's useless. She doesn't want my help. Not anymore.

Fred comes over, patting me on the shoulder. "You okay, mate?"

I nod, but we both know it's a lie. I'm not okay. And I don't know if I will be anytime soon.


Author's Note:

So sorry guyss for the absence of stories; I've been quite busy. I hope to continue daily posts soon.


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