First Day

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The next day the girls got together and went shopping for their first day of school tommorow. Everybody was excited except Sam .

Keke smiled " Sam stop being a big baby and get happy its highschool. We got one more year then we are done aren't u excited we gotta turnnah!!" She said while shaking her.

Sam grabbed her . "There's nothing to be excited about we see the same characters everyday and maybe sometime during summer school if we have it , which luckily we didn't . "

They got to the mall . Everybody split up and started shopping for their stuff. Couple hours later they were all done, back at the entrance and , all went to Sasha house to spend the night so that they can all walk in and strut through them doors together."So guy let's gets some rest and be ready for whatever " Sasha suggested

They all agreed and went to sleep.

It was the next morning everybody hot up and dressed . Sam was the first one done waiting on the girls. "Waiting on y'all is like waiting for that turtle and fox race to be over. Hurry up it's not like y'all winning some prize to be cute " she said impatient. They were all done and they got to school . Soon as they walked through them doors all eyes were on them . They smiled and went to get their scheduals and all broke apart and went to they classes.

Keisha wasn't looking and was walking into class and ran into this girl and fell dropping her stuff "ayo watch where u going ! " she yelled.

"Next time keep your eyes on the school then you little cellular device barbie doll " the girl said while walking away.

"Lucky its the first day" Keisha made the statement and walked into the class.

Everybody was enjoying their class doing they work making a good impression on the first day. The lunch was better then what they expected it was Salvatore's pizza and wings. Everybody enjoyed it . "Guess school isn't so bad after all " Sam said to herself and smiled.

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