pt 17 Ella

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As she got thrown on the ground she looked up in fear as the vines ripped open her mouth and multiple of them pushed in. As they made their way towards through the esophagus and towards her stomach she wanted to scream but her muteness and the multiple vines and plant life were blocking her. As they got to the stomach they ruptured it and acid spilled out. She wanted to shriek in agony but not even a little squeak let out of her mouth.

After her stomach ruptured some vines went further and went into her intestines and started rubbing her inner small intestines & large intestines with thorns as they ruptured, other vines went in all directions and some started to replace her nerves by pulling them out. one by one. This agony was pure torture to her but the plants wouldn't care it needed a new host and she would be it whether she would want it or not.

As blood started to seep out of her mouth and legs she tried to end it with a sharp stick but the vines whipped her arm back. The vines choked her until she barely passed out before stopping. She was in hell and she had to get out. But there was no escape. Only the vines. Soon the vines made her crawl towards sunflowers and as she shook it.. she implanted it deep into her palms until blood poured out. She teared up but nothing came out. She limped all the way to a greenhouse and as it got ripped open she teared up as she started eating up the plants there. Dirt, Fertilizer, a half empty bag of cow manure.. The plants.. She wanted death

As she finished feasting she heard a door creak open as she whipped her head round to see an old redneck type.. He picked up a shotgun and shot her straight in the head killing her.. Then he took the corpse inside and it wasn't until the 5th day that the vines from inside the corpse bursted out and then forced themselves into the redneck's mouth before redoing the cycle all over again.. And also Ella went straight to the worst place in hell the UK

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