𝟎𝟎𝟐: 𝑳𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒌

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Yumi stared blankly into her clothes, disliking the color. Her attention was then grabbed by the duo next to her, Mika and Yuu.

"Mika!" Yuu called out, holding a black book in his hands, "Hey Mika! Look at this!"

Instead of Mika, Yumi turned her head to Yuu.

Yuu continued, "It looks like... Vampires die if you destroy their heads."

Mika, on the chair next to him, only had his eyes closed and arms crossed as he replied, "... I'm trying to think, so please don't bother me."

Yuu paid him no mind as he continued, "And if you remove the armband device they wear on their arm, they can be killed by the ultra-violet rays!"

Mika replied, "Not interested."

Yumi then spoke, "Why are you even look that stuff up, Yuu-chan?" She questioned, fiddling with her hair as she did so.

Yuu half-closed the book, turning to the h/c-haired girl to his right. "Isn't it obvious? I'll become strong and kill all the vampire scum!"

Yumi chortled at his response, but Mika deadpanned. "That's nonsense. You know, there's no chance where a human will ever be stronger than a vampire. Use your head!"

Yuu huffed, shouting, "YOU'LL NEVER KNOW IF YOU DON'T TRY!"

Yumi sighed at his behavior, before a small smile appeared on her face. Yuu and Mika always had this seraphic appearance, and everything.

While she did love her entire family, even if it was just a bunch of kids, Out of all of them, Mika and Yuu always stood out to her.

Her daydreaming was cut off by a vampire, holding a hose-like object near Yuu's head. It shone dangerously today. "Stay still," the vampire warned.

The vampire(s) inserted the foreign object into their necks, making a gurgling sound. It was sucking their blood.

Whirring noises came from the machine.

It took a while, but the 'sucking'(?) was over.

"Don't move," the vampire from before said sternly. "We vampires are permitting you to live as long as you collaborate and provide us with blood."

The trio fell silent as the vampires left, and so the children had left their seats and began to chatter.

The three of them walked down the stairs, in silence before Yuu broke it.

"Damn.." Muttered Yuu, "AAH I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"


Yumi giggled, nodding at Yuu's whining. Although she detested loud noises, she could deal with Yuu's. And, everything he whined about was true. She's not fat, and neither is the other children.

"I agree with Yuu," she commented. Mika could only sweatdrop with his eyes closed.

Yuu swung an arm around Mika's neck, his other on Yumi's.
"We should start a rebellion, Mika! A rebellion! What do you think, Yumi?"

Yumi smiled brightly, imaginary flowers surrounded her. "Yeah! I think that's a great idea, Yuu-chan!"

"We will become strong and kill the vampire queen ask turn this place into a world for human beings!"

Mika turned to the Ravenette boy beside him, eyebrows furrowed. "What a foolish plan. . . You dream to much, Yuu-chan! Or maybe you've read too many manga."


"By the way, could you stop yelling like that when you talk about killing vampires?" Mika requested, patting yumi's soft hair. "I really don't want to attract unnecessary attention to myself and Yumi.." He sighed.

Yuu, obviously not listening, pointed at the leaving vampires. "ONE DAY, I'LL DEFINITELY KILL YOU BASTARDS!"

"I do Ten thousand push-ups every day..!" He lied, to which Mika head-chopped him, saying, "Are you even listening?!"

"You can't even fight vampires with sheer physical strength anyways." Said Yumi.

Mika nodded at what Yumi had said and added, "The physical strength of a human being cannot even compare to that of a vanpire.  It's written in that book you were reading too."

Flustered, Yuu quickly said. "WELL WHAT WOULD YOU SUGGEST!?"

Mika then explained something, And Yumi had only stared blankly into the plain floor.

"I'm going to kick your ass," said Yuu irritated.

Mika gave a sad smile, "But... Your aware of it, aren't you? That physical strength is useless against vampires..."

"Then... what should we do?" Asked Yuu.

"Well.." But before Mika could say anything, three vampires were coming their way.

Yuu stared at Mika questionably, before looking the same way his gaze was.

"That guy... He's not wearing a hood... A noble?" Yuu muttered.

Mika beamed at the vampire coming their way, "Ferid-sama!" He said as he ran towards the said vampire.

Yumi immediately snapped out of her trance, vissibly going tense.

A vampire that is physically a slender male, where a distinguishing trait is his long, silver hair that reaches his hips. Having bangs and a lock of hair over either ear so that they are visible, Ferid keeps his hair tied back into a pony tail held with a ribbon. The ribbon has stripes.

The ribbon tails trail to his shoulders. Ferid also wears a pair of red diamond-shaped earrings which dangle from either ear.

As with all vampires, Ferid has pointed ears, with red eyes, and fangs. Ferid's slightly changing attire is composed of several components, including a suit and a long coat. A white long-sleeved shirt with a decorative cut is worn over his posterior. This is split down the center and reaches his mid-calf. This has a black line with dark gray rhombi intermittently dispersed along it.

There is originally a stripe on his left side as well, but this disappears after his defeat by Krul. It is secured in place by a wide black belt with a large buckle around his waist. The buckle rests over his left hip. The cuffs of the shirt are black and have four gold buttons down the outside. White lace ruffles comes out of the cuffs over his hands. Ferid wears white gloves.

The pair of white pants he dons are fitted within black boots, which reach his upper thigh. The boots have four golden buttons at his thigh and three at his calf. The boots are white at the toes, sole, and heel. A pair of small black ribbons meet over either heel and are kept in place by a small white button detail in the center.

A cape compliments the noble appearance. His white cape with a decorative cut over is over his shoulders and arms. It reaches to his waist in the front and down to his upper thighs around the back. The cape has black shoulder details as well as the black vampire insignia on the left shoulder.

There are also two black buttons on the right. A gold ring connects to the vampire insignia and is attached to a chain running under his ruffles. There are gold decorations hanging from this chain. A wide dark gray strap beneath this cape moves from his right shoulder to his left hip. This has three strips running down it, with a small mark over each stripe at set intervals.

Ferid wears a black collar that originally has a pair of two white stripes lining it in the first chapter, but he replaces it with a similar collar with one stripe afterward. The collar is decorated with a scarlet bow at the base of his throat. The tails of the ribbon reach his lower chest. Two layers of white ruffles are present beneath the bow and reach his mid-chest.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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