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I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Luke. As I made my way back home, my mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The encounter had been unexpected, but it left me feeling giddy. Maybe, just maybe, I'd see him again. My phone buzzed, snapping me out of my daydream. It was a text from my best friend, Kira.

Hey Ruby! How's the chocolate mission going? Can't wait to try those exotic flavors!

I quickly typed out a response, sharing a typo-filled brief summary of my interaction with Luke. Kira's instant reply was full of excitement and emojis.

OMG, Ruby! He sounds like a total dreamboat! You HAVE to find a way to see him again!

Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I felt a renewed determination. Maybe I would see him again. Until then, I had chocolates to make and a wedding to prepare for. With a deep breath, I reminded myself that life was full of surprises, and sometimes, the sweetest moments came when you least expected them.

My mind oscillated between perfecting the chocolates and daydreaming about Luke. Kira, ever the supportive friend, kept me grounded and focused.

"So, how are those chocolates coming along?" Kira asked, lounging on her bed through my laptop screen. She had been helping me with some details for my project while I worked on designing the packaging.

"Almost done," I replied, carefully aligning the text with a mandala. "I want each label to be perfect."

"You're a perfectionist, Ruby, but that's what makes your work so amazing," Kira said with a smile. "By the way, have you thought about going back to Bulk Barn? You know, to maybe 'accidentally' bump into Luke again?"

Alarmed, I shushed her frantically. "K! Shh! Be more discreet! Jeez... What if someone heard?" I giggled anyway, knowing that she was right. "I have to go back anyway, but I don't want to seem desperate. He is really good friend material—"

"RUBY!" My mom called out. "We need more dark chocolate! I just received the head count..." Normally, this would bother me, but that flicker of hope that I would see Luke again was more than welcome. Hearing this, Kira smiled brightly while raising her eyebrows at me.

"Looks like you have a mission to complete," Kira teased, her voice filled with excitement. I rolled my eyes in retaliation at her tone of voice.

"We're just friends!"

The next day, armed with my list and an optimistic heart, I headed back to Bulk Barn. The sun was shining, and the city seemed to buzz with a special kind of energy. As I entered the store, the bell above the door jingled, and I couldn't help but scan the place, searching for that familiar face.

To my delight, Luke was there, stacking shelves with a focused expression. I took a deep breath and approached him, pretending to examine the cocoa powder nearby.

"Hey there, newbie," I said, trying to keep my voice casual.

Luke looked up, his eyes lighting up with recognition. "Ruby! Back for more chocolate, I see?"

"You caught me," I replied, laughing. "Actually, I have a bit of a crisis. We need more dark chocolate for the wedding."

"Well, you're in luck," Luke said, smiling. "We've got a fresh shipment in. Let me help you with that."

As we walked together through the aisles, the conversation flowed effortlessly. It was as if we'd known each other forever. I told him about the wedding preparations, my aspirations as a baker-chocolatier, and even my dreams of combining my love for science and baking into something unique.

"I think that's amazing," Luke said, his admiration evident. "You know, I've always wanted to pursue something creative too. Working here is just a step towards saving up for my own art studio."

"That's incredible, Luke. I had no idea," I said, genuinely impressed. "It's so important to follow your passions."

We spent the next hour chatting and joking around, and by the time I had everything I needed, I felt like I had found a kindred spirit in Luke.

As I made my way to the cash register, I hesitated for a moment, summoning the courage to ask for his number. Just as I was about to speak, Luke beat me to it.

"Ruby, I really enjoyed talking to you," he said, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. "Would you like to maybe hang out sometime as friends? Outside of Bulk Barn, I mean."

I smiled. "Yeah! Of course!"

We exchanged numbers before I left the store, my heart feeling lighter with each step I took. The walk home felt surreal, as if I were floating on a cloud of anticipation and excitement.

"I'll text you after I get off my shift?" Luke asked me hopefully.

"I'll hold you to that!" I replied grinning.

That evening, while I stocked many airtight containers with chocolate, my phone buzzed with a message from Luke. 

Hey Ruby, it was great seeing you again today. Looking forward to hanging out!

A smile spread across my face as I typed back a quick reply, Same here, Luke. I can't wait.


hmmm any plot ideas? i'm writing without a plan! comment as always and i'd love any suggestions <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17 ⏰

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