This is my first time writing a book where people can you know.,, request a type of Story and I will write.
-You can request stories. Explain them in the comments or whateva and I will write. Say what cookies you want the story to have.-As I can write "normal stories", I can also write " spicy stories" (if you know what I mean).
-Can say Headcanons of the Cookie and I will describe the characters with that. However the Headcanons will only be included in that story and no more.
-I will NOT write ILLEGAL SHIPS!!! For example minors.
-To write the stories might take between 2 days and a week, but I will try to post new chapters every week.
-The first stories will be examples, as I don't expect to have already many requests.-I might not know all the cookies, but I will still try to write them in they way they are in the canon(Personality).
-When I can't post or I'm very busy at school, I will warn you(if I can), but not request will be forgotten.
Bye, I hope you like it.
Writer Out!!!