s1 Episode 1, Halloween bash

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:autumn fortune knight
:winter fortune knight
:Reece knight
:Marjorie van gould

wednesday 30th of October, the day before Halloween.

Winter woke up to the sound of the rain patting on the window he turned to face his beautiful wife in bed and he smiled at the site of her "my love?" Autumn turned around to face winter and smiled back, it seems she was already awake "morning darling" autumn and winter both shared a kiss before they both got out of bed, autumn headed to the bathroom then winter headed downstairs to the kitchen
(10 minutes later)
Autumn walked down the stairs to the smell of pancakes she smiled at that, winter knew exactly what she wanted he was such a good man

autumn walked into the kitchen and her smile dropped when she saw her brother, and best friend sitting in the kitchen "what are you two doing here, it's way too early" Reece just smirks as he tries some of winters pancakes
"We wanted to discuss about the ball tomorrow?" autumn rolled her eyes and sat down "couldn't you have waited" reece shakes his head "nope" winter sat down next to autumn. "So winter are these your so famous pancakes* autumn smiles slightly "he's talented hm? Marjorie." Marjorie nods
"Is the talent in the room with us?" (Audience laugh track after reece has said that)
Autumn looks at Reece "brother, you are quite literally sat there eating the pancakes I'd say the talent is most certainly in the room with us, wouldn't say your braincells are though" (another audience laugh track)
"Right right, lets not have any broken bones you two" Marjorie tries to cool them down
Autumn rolls her eyes so does Reece.
"Right well, what did you two want to discuss?" Winter breaks the silence.

"So uhm what time are we going to be leaving?" Autumn and Reece are busy having a stare off so neither of them answer Marjorie so winter just answers "well we have to be there by 5 so I'd say we leave at 1 o' clock, which gives us enough time to change?" Marjorie nods "that seems good with me" Marjorie looks between autumn and Reece noticing the tension "can you two stop arguing for one second?" Autumn rolls her eyes and looks away from Reece "sorry Marj" Reece smirks "what have I told you? call me that again and I'll-" winter cuts in "Marjorie I don't think either of us want to know what comes at the end of that sentence" (audience laugh track) "very well..." Autumn clears her throat "what exactly is this 'meeting' supposed to even help us with, you don't need to know anything else" Marjorie looks at autumn then Reece "apparently this one wants to speak to you" autumn groans and rolls her eyes "make it quick, I can't stand talking to you."

Autumn and Reece walk into the lounge for some privacy "well?" Autumn puts her hands on her hips "it's about dad, like...what are we gonna do if he comes to talk to us or something or you know how he's like" autumns face turns serious "we just talk to him normally, he tries anything stupid just walk away we can't be dealing with his shenanigans on Halloween, can we?" Reece raises his eyebrows "wow aut, winter really has made an impression on you, I thought you would say something like 'oh let's chase him with pitchforks!' or something like that" (audience laugh track) autumn kicks Reece in the shins "that's not funny" autumn turns to the camera "don't none of you laugh either" she turns back to the camera. "Owe?!" Reece grunts in pain "I will have to get surgery on that shin soon!" Autumn smirks "hm, well that means you won't be able to walk then I won't need to see you as much." Autumn walks off screen.

Episode over,
Outro the nursery verse song sound track

(Right what did we think of that it took me a while to write and get all the ideas down so if you have any ideas lmkkk 🖤)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17 ⏰

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