Match: hey sayori
Sayori: yea match
Match: I promise she will not hurt you anymore
Sayori: thanks match
Bracelety: awwww
Match: we are back at your house sayori
Sayori: yea we are
Sayori: what was that?
Match: it sounds like bell like
Bell: oh sorry
Saw: ow Bell your going to hurt my ears
Bell: but object don't have ears
Sayori: oh hello I am sayori
Bell: I am bell
Saw: and I am saw
Bell: we were trying to figure out what going on
remote: yea we were trying hard but we still don't know
Sayori: ok
Saw: well what do you all want to do
Sayori: I don't know
Bell: ok well let's just relax
Match: hey like sayori can I like? Talk to you?
Sayori: sure
Match and sayori go to sayori room
Sayori: so what do you want to talk to me about
Match: well I understand you're like have some kind of depression like issue and I kind of want to like help you with like that
Sayori: oh you know about that
Match: like yeah, but you're not the only one who's at least well I did some terrible like things in my past
Sayori: and you're trying not to make those mistakes again
Match: like yeah I just wish I could apologize to bubble
Sayori: is that the person you made upset
Match: like yeah I just really want to apologize to her. It was like my fault anyways
Sayori: well maybe someday you'll get to apologize to her
Match: like yeah, maybe someday
Sayori: hey thank you for wanting to talk to me
Match: like no problem, but we will like stop her from hurting you and your friends again
Sayori: thank you match
Match: like no problem like
Sayori: now I want go have fun
Match: OMG like totally
Sayori match bell saw Dora remote and bracelety have fun
End credits scene
Firey: so leafy why are we going back to the other post splitters?
Leafy: I want to tell them about the island we found
Firey: OK that makes a lot of sense
Leafy: OK firey we got no time to waste. Let's go
Firey: OK
Sayori bright future DDLCABFDI
HorrorSayori the first victim of Monika and hide behind a mask of happiness but now her depression might leave her join her bracelety barf bag match nickel nally Dora bell puffball and saw to help her find true happiness