Damn shit wrong number

2 0 0

after getting hurt from patrol.


Peter: ned!

peter: ned!

Peter: NNNEEEDDDDDD! I need help I've been stabbed!

???: I'm not Ted

Peter:  not funny Ned, I need help!

???:  what the hell happened why were you stabbed?! Still not this Ted

Peter: some goon thought it would be fun to jump me. Not funny Ned I need help

Peter: wait... o good gravy.... wrong number! sorry!

???:  are you need to get to a hospital kid!

Peter: I'm fine its not that deep

???: you just said you've been stabbed, IT'S BAD THEN!

Peter:  uhhhh... I was over reacting?

???: -_-    why did you say that as a question.

Peter: ok first off how do i fix it

??? tells him how to.

???: and that's how. how are you doing?

Peter: fine thanks and sorry about texting accidently texting you!

???: its fine kid. I was bored anyways

Peter: well i should go now bye, Mr. mysterious!

???: wait Mr. Mysterious?


Tony just sat back in his chair chucking at how this all went down, now being curious: who was this kid?

Maybe he should track the kids phone.... nah, he wants the mysterious kid to be mysterious... maybe next time he'll think of some kind of nickname... Cinnamon roll.... yeah perfect.

On the other side of town Peter was at home waiting for his aunt to come home. He would need to ask Ned and MJ tomorrow for this phone numbers again. His last phone kinda broke, when I mean broke I mean fighting broke. He chuckled already liking Mr. Mysterious now, even if it was for a few minutes of talking. Just now he need to dread school... and his bully Flash Thomas... again.


hey this is Lav here and this is my first time writing here so things like updating might take a while. I just want to see how many of you like this first part and i might continue. I've read a lot of these and thought I should too. So hope you like this and another note: I suck at matching personality to charaters so bare with me please. Ok welp thanks for reading and hopefully I'll update again.



(bored: John's choice was either to rescue the bird or allowing it to fend for itself.)

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