Chapter 1

22 2 29

Tw- bulimia , d slur
Please don't read this if you think you'll get triggered by this easily it's not too heavy but stay on the safer side pls


There was always a problem for Heather duke. Whether it was her being chandlers verbal punching bag for years or chandler belittling her bulimia saying she was just 'hopping on the trend'. Life was so much easier when they were all younger no problems about anything and everyone was friends with everyone. Popularity or status didn't matter they were just sweet clueless kids no hate or wrong doing had corrupted them yet.

Then middle school wasn't too bad but popular people were already getting separated from the 'losers'. Chandler made sure that they would become the most powerful and popular clique in school. She started becoming more bitchy but it wasn't too bad and atleast she wasn't homophobic, well she really couldn't be all of the heathers were lesbians after all. Then they got into high school. Everything felt like it fell apart. Mac was still sweet as ever but chandler was really becoming a mythic bitch. It started as small things just saying shut up Heather a lot to her. Then when duke started throwing up her meals. Chandler said she was just hopping on a trend. She wasn't she did it to feel control to atleast have control over something in her life for once. It was something that slowly turned into every meal.

Every time she'd purge chandler would say "grow up Heather bulimia is so '87"
Then Mac, her girlfriend, would always say in the nicest way possible that she should see a doctor, she knows she should. Then when veronica eventually joined their clique. She didn't really say anything about it which was nice because then she could act like she never did throw up the food she ate in the school toilets. If it got out that Heather duke would spend some of her lunch purging in the toilets their reputation would be ruined. Everything they worked so hard for would be gone. There's so many things that if they'd get outside of the clique it would ruin them.

~~~time skip~~~

Lunch. The smell of food already made duke feel sick to her stomach, she hasn't eaten since the evening but she did purge dinner. She just hopes she didn't give in to eat she dosnt want to be bent over the toilet for half of lunch purging her guts out again.

"Heather you good, you zoned out for a minute" Mac said to her.
Duke just nods, she feels so drained and out of it. She stayed up at least half the night because of the stabbing pain in her stomach.
"God such a pillow case" chandler said.

Everyone started eating but still continuing the gossip, no one tried to make her eat, after all she'd purge it all anyway. But still all of them, even Chandler she just can't always show it, knew that if this continued she'd wind up dead.

"Heather maybe you should try eat something even if it's small please" Mac pleaded, she knew this could go two ways going to the bathroom and purging or she could actually eat something and have some more strength. The second one would be practically impossible to play out though even if duke was trying to slowly recover from her bulimia.

"Ok..." was the reply she got, now she just has to convince duke to not purge her guts out.

Heather McNamara got out her lunch, it wasn't those manky school dinners none of the heathers had those Veronica was the only person in the clique who acctually bought stuff from the cafeteria on a regular basis. Veronica and Heather were in a deep conversation discussing something probobly the lunchtime poll idea for tomorrow. That was always something they talk about because one person could only have so many ideas. Heather and Veronica weren't bothered by their hushed conversation so that was good. She just want her girlfriend to finally eat something and not throw it up. What had happened to make her come to this, she was fine in middle school and then high school had happened and it had changed them all, but not this badly?

"What do you want from here?" Mac asked maybe if she let duke choose then she could choose something that would make her a bit more comfortable? "And remember you don't need to eat all of it ok, eat however much you want just eat something"

"Mkay" duke said she wanted to choose something that was small, and she could go purge while Mac would be distracted by chan and ronnie so it wouldn't make her upset. She just decided to take a protein bar.

"But I think it's a good question"

"Well I don't sawyer, Heather Heather tell Veronica that her question for tomorrows lunch time poll is ridiculous"

"It's not!"

"Stop the bickering it's stupid, do your even have any other idea for lunchtime pol tomorrow?" Duke asked this would solve the stupid argument.

"Ugh shut up Heather!" Chandlers answer answered dukes question perfectly.

"Sorry Heather" duke replied with her normal response everyone knew this was normal it was just how they acted. And to be fair duke did always challenge Chandler but both of them know that she dosnt mean it.

While being so absorbed in the argument between Veronica and Chandler, duke hadn't even noticed that she'd already opened the protein bar and already ate all of it.

"Fuck" duke thought.

You fat dyke are you really gonna throw all of your work away

go on go to the toilets quick and throw it up before you digest it

Heather could feel tears pricking her eyes. She couldn't cry not now , not when they were in the canteen. She quickly got up and ran away before anyone could stop her.

"Heather wait" Mac called after her but it didn't work.

"I'm gonna go and try stop her" and with that Mac went after the green girl.

Words: 1016

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