Dance Macabre (Solving the case part 3

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Hello everyone!! This is going to be the second to last part for solving the case. Man, this is the longest part. Anyways, um, this chapter is inspired by the song Dance Macabre (the video is above this). And yea, let's get to it.
Your Pov~
We walk outside into the yard area where I see a pool of blood. My eyes widen and Ciel covered my eyes," Don't look. Now then, why is that here, Alois?" Alois then chuckled and grabbed me, pointing a sword up to my neck," You are very smart Phantomhive, to figure out that we did the murders." I then smirked," It wasn't only him." I then lifed the sword into the air and grabbed it, pinning Alois to the ground and pointing the sword at him," It was me as well. The Queen's Lily." Ciel then smirked," Since when did you have acrobatic skills," he asked clapping his hands," I like it." Alois then stuck his tongue out," Claude, come," he said with his contact appearing. Ciel then tooked off his eyepatch," Sebastian, come. We figured it out." Both of them then walk up to their masters," Looks like the lady is alone huh," Alois said with a smirk. I then took off my necklace," Claire, come," I said with my contact glowing. She then walks over to me," I knew it." Alois then yelled," Claude, get her!!" Claude then runs over to me. Before he can get me, Ciel then yelled," Sebastian, protect Y/N!!" Sebastian then started fighting Claude which leave me, Ciel, and Claire vs Alois. Alois then took his sword and charged for me. I then transformed into my demon self. Ciel stood there, shocked and thought,'She's a demon?' Claire then flipped him and took the swords," I advise not going after the lady like that." Ciel then pointed his gun at him," I have something planned for your servants as well." Alois then chuckled," Hannah, take her." Hannah then comes up behind me. Before she can reach me I flip her and stab her with my sword," Sayōnara." Ciel then transformed into his demon form," You are a demon too?" I then smiled," Yep, and you are too." Alois then yelled," Triplets, get her!!" The triplets then all ran towards me. Before they reached me, Ciel grabbed the sword out of Hannah and stabbed all three of them in a row. He then throws the sword to Sebastian and he kills Claude. Alois then cried," NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" I then laughed," Oh boohoo, go cry me a river." Ciel then pointed the sword at Alois," It's over now. Any last words?" Alois then smirked," Everyone won't survive inside." I then grabbed the sword and stabbed him," No time to waist, let's get everyone out safe before the place explodes or something."
Alright, that's all for now, you two did it!! You solved the case!! So, what's next to come? I don't know, I really need some suggestions, I'm running out of ideas. Anyways, um so Sayōnara!!

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