one ; meets

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Caroline was heading inside the school with her brother Mike when Bella was walking in the hallway with Eric Yorkie
Eric says " ah. ! Hey Bella this is my best friends Caroline and Mike* he says smiling
Caroline smiled a bit. " Hello Bella nice to meet you"
Mike waves. " Hi Bella"
Bella says. " Hi I am Bella, pleasure to meet you guys"
Eric says. " This the PE room" he takes her inside showing her around Caroline and Mike walks inside with Bella and Eric
Jessica was walking by " uh hi I am Jessica"
Bella says " oh nice to meet you to!"
Jessica smiled. " Thanks!"
Eric says. " Also I heard about the Cullen's " he says remembering them
Jessica says. " Yeah Edward is like the Cullen girls have eyes for "
Coach blows his whistle" enough now push ups!'
The students do push ups and Jessica says" that coach Long he's so grumpy when students don't follow the rules. "
Caroline laughed a bit " I remember when I forgot to wear my gym wear he sent me to the office "
Eric laughed. " Yeah I remember that was embarrassing "
Mike says " chill off my sister" he says standing up for his sister
Eric holds his hands up " alright sorry!'
Jessica looked at Bella and says " so what are you guys doing after school?'
Bella sighs " being with my father Charlie at home'
Eric says. " You don't do anything?" He asked wondering
Jessica says. " I was gonna invite you to a coffee shop date with the group"
Mike says. " Yeah it'll be fun Bella but it's up to you" he smiled
Caroline says. " I'll definitely go with you guys but I'll stop by Bella's. " She was sure of it
Bella says. " Yeah I would love to go but I have to help my dad settling in but next time sure , sure Caroline "
Eric says. " Okay well this is PE class with Mr Long" he spoke
Jessica says. " We should head to English. * She leaves quickly
Mike follows after Jessica and Eric says. " Bella meet us at the tables for lunch ' he says and leave
Bella gave a thumbs up and coach Long says. " Are you in this class!" He sounded serious
Caroline steps in. " She was getting a tour from Eric"
Bella says. " Sir I just getting a tour ' , The coach realized his mistake ' oh my bad sorry your new right?'
Bella says. " Yeah I am"
Caroline  says. " She is new  *
The coach says " well welcome '
Bella says. " Thanks "
Caroline says " let's head to English" she calls out
Bella says. "ok!"
They head to English and sits down Edward sits with Bella he gave off weird looks Bella wonders why
Caroline sat with Eric Yorkie " see Edward looking at her like that " she spoke
Eric gave a look. " What is he doing"
She shrugs
The teacher says.  " Good morning today we are gonna talk about Romeo and Juliet "
The Students complain and the teacher says.  " Anyways.."
Bella tries to focus
" We have a new student today Bella swan" he says
The class welcomes her
Bella says. " Thanks . "
Edward says. " I am Edward Cullen " he looks at her his eyes were yellow
Bella says ". Nice to meet you"
Eric says. " He's always being weird like seriously"
Caroline says.  " Yeah he is. "
The teacher goes on with the assignment and asked. " What does this mean" he asked the students
Edward answer " the soul and eyes are a door way to the spirit so it means the death must be sealed. "
The teacher says. " Very good Edward "
Bella smiled. " That was interesting "
Edward says. " Yup"
Eric says. " What did that even mean"
Caroline says. " No clue. "
After the class ended the class was dismissed
Caroline was heading out over to her locker when Alice Cullen was passing by with Jasper.
Bella noticed them to and just wondering why they were so pale like they look they haven't ate in ages
Caroline says.  " Bella '
Bella says. " Oh hi." She goes to her
Caroline. Says. " Those Cullen kids dont even look like they were even tanning"
Bella says. " Yeah I assume they stay inside or something"
Alice hears the conversation and Jasper says. " Is there a problem here " he asked them
Bella says.  " No ofc not "
Caroline says. " We were just saying you look very pale and it's concerning "
Alice says. " We just have pale skin it's not a problem " she spoke
Bella felt bad for meddling.  " I should go bye. " She leaves
Jasper says. " Pale skin is normal why are you acting so weird" he asked her
Caroline says. " Forget I asked "
Jasper says. " Okay we will" he leaves with Alice
Edward goes to Caroline says. " Leave my,  siblings alone. " His eyes change colors
Caroline says.  " You think I am scared of you Cullen!" She says sounding rude
Edward says " you should be now back off jasper and Alice. " He walks off
Caroline heads off .
Later after school
Mike , Angela , Eric and Caroline and Jessica sit in the coffee shop
Jessica says. " I wish Bella was here " she says back
Mike says. " Yeah me to" he spoke sipping his coffee
Angela says. " I bet she'll make it next time* she drinks her drink
Eric said. " Did you guys see Edward Cullen watching Bella weirdly earlier. " He asked wondering
Mike gave a look. " No is he always doing that "
Jessica says. " Yeah I heard he's got weird looks in the bag" she spoke
Caroline says. " He threatened me at school" she says being honest
Mike says. " What. Are you kidding me he threatened my sister. " He asked his sister
Eric says. " Man that's not ok"
Jessica says. " What is his deal "
Angela says. " Sorry Caroline. "
After they finished talking. They all head back home but Caroline heads over to Bella's and reaches just in time.
" Bella ! " She spoke
Bella smiled " hi you made it this my father Charlie "
Charlie says. " Nice to meet you are you friends with Bella. " He asked
Caroline says. " Definitely"
Bella says.  " She showed me around school and everything "
Charlie says. " Nice.  "
Jacob shows up " Bella where you been" he greets her
Bella laughed. " Ive been here all the whole time.  "
Jacob's father say. " Who's that" he asked wondering
Bella says. " This is Caroline from school"
Charlie says. " Bella's friend. "
Caroline says. " Nice to meet you guys. "
Jacob felt his heart sank when he saw Caroline but says. " Nice to meet you to , but I know Bella. "
Bella says. " She just stopping by from the coffee shop"
Charlie says. " Nice I hope she had fun"
Caroline says " I did thanks. "
Jacob felt his heart racing when he saw Caroline. " Uh, anyways me and my father gonna head back now but super nice to meet you Caroline.  "
Caroline smiled. " Nice to meet you too ". Jacob and his father leave
Charlie says. " Jacob is very a kind person Caroline" he spoke
Bella says.  " Yeah he's super kind and stuff he's my best friend.   "
Caroline says.  " I want to get to know him before I ask him anything"
Bella says. " Yeah ofc that's good call"
Charlie says. " He always there for Bella and I bet once you get to know him he'll be there for you to"
Caroline says. " That would be nice "
After Caroline left
Bella and Charlie eat dinner quietly
Bella says. " School was fine but one kid was watching me like kinda. "
Charlie says. " Hm? That's kinda strange were they uncomfortable or what"
Bella says. " I don't know then he said his name to me. '
Charlie says. " What's his name " he asked
Bella says. " Edward Cullen"
Charlie says. " I know his father he's a doctor at the hospital I think"
Bella says. " Yeah and his family is super pale and my friend was like concerned"
Charlie says. " There nothing with being pale , some people are. "
Bella says. " Yeah ofc I agree. "
After dinner ended Bella heads to her room and tries to sleep but hears something she woke up. " Hello?"
Edward just standing there Bella was confused " what are you doing'
Edward says " sorry I was trying to check on you because at school things seemed complicated "
Bella says. " Oh I am fine thanks you should head home now I'll see you at school "
Edward says. " Okay goodnight " he leaves out the window .
Caroline was heading to bed And she heard something outside her window
Caroline steps over.  " Hey.. " she saw Jacob down there
Jacob says " hey " he says but the window blocks the sound
Caroline lifts the window. " What are you doing here so late. "
Jacob said " I was out on a run  " he says
Caroline says. " Oh ok" she laughed
Jacob says. " I should get going check you later " he runs home
Caroline says. " Odd "

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