Chapter 1: New Choker

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'Scotty, my boy, How the hell did this happen?' I can't help but wonder to myself.

My feet pounded the sidewalks of Newbury Street as I sprinted past high-end boutiques and art galleries. The late afternoon sun glinted off polished shop windows, momentarily blinding me as I darted between stunned pedestrians. Behind me, Mia's enraged shrieks pierced the air.

"You lying, cheating Fuck! I'll gut you like a fish!"

The clatter of her heels on stone spurred me to run faster, my lungs burning as I gasped for air. I risked a glance back and saw her raven hair streaming behind her, those vivid green eyes I adore now blazing with murderous intent. The gleaming chef's knife in her hand caught the light, reminding me of how precarious my situation truly was.

'How is she so fast in heels?'

"I trusted you! How could you do this to me?!" Mia wailed, her voice cracking with anguish and fury.

Confusion twisted in my chest even as I fled for my life. I hadn't cheated. I would never betray her like that. But how could I convince her when she was in this state? My mind raced, trying to piece together how we'd ended up here.

I weaved through the crowd, muttering apologies as I shoved past people. A street performer's guitar case went flying as I barreled through, sending coins scattering across the sidewalk.

"Stop that man!" Mia screamed. "He's a filthy cheater!"

Horrified gasps and muttered condemnations followed in my wake. I felt my cheeks burn with shame despite my innocence. This was it. The end of everything. My relationship, my reputation, maybe even my life if I couldn't outrun Mia's rage.

Yet, as my feet carried me ever onward, I felt oddly calm. Resigned, perhaps. I'd lost the love of my life due to a misunderstanding I couldn't even begin to fathom. All I could do now was run and hope for a chance to explain myself before that knife found its mark.

Suddenly, a skyscraper from a few blocks away erupts in a cacophony of shattering glass and twisting metal. My eyes widen in disbelief as an 18-wheeler blasts through the building, soaring over ten stories in the air. The massive truck tears through concrete and steel beams as if they were paper, leaving a gaping wound in the tower's facade.

I stop in my tracks, completely blown away by the surreal sight. The truck's horn blares, a ghostly wail that seems to stretch on forever as it arcs through the sky. Debris rains down on the streets below, a deadly shower of glass and twisted metal.

"What the fuck," I breathe, my voice barely a whisper.

In that moment of distraction, a searing pain erupts between my shoulder blades. Mia's knife finds its mark, and I stumble forward, somehow ending up on my back as I fall. The world spins, the blue sky above marred by billowing smoke from the damaged skyscraper.

"Wait," I gasp, struggling to form words as the pain overwhelms me. "I didn't—"

"You bastard!" Mia screams, her voice raw with emotion. "How could you?!"

The knife plunges into my chest again and again. Each stab sends shockwaves of agony through my body. I cry out, my vision blurring as blood soaks my shirt.

"I loved you!" she wails, bringing the blade down once more. "I gave you everything!"

The pain is overwhelming and consuming. I can barely breathe, barely think. The world narrows to Mia's anguished face and the burning fire spreading through my torso.

Finally, mercifully, she stops. The knife clatters to the ground beside me. Mia's shoulders heave with sobs as she collapses onto my chest. Her tears mingle with my blood, warm droplets falling onto my face.

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