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Here's all background/headcanon facts for the choir. Just so when something happens, it's not confusing.

☆= favorites character/traumatized
♡= not my favorite but I respect/traumatized, but not as much
☆♡=I LOVE THEM SM/so I gave them the most heart wrenching lore that their middle name is PTSD

♡Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg♡
Female, she/her, born December 22nd, 17, Capricorn.

She has an ignorant family. She is the eldest of her siblings, she has 3 siblings, Owen, Izzy and Danny. She's a bit narcissistic, a teacher's pet and a straight A student (+OCD) She's questioning if she's lesbian. Ocean has a siblings relationship with almost every other choir member. "Fight pain with more pain." She knows Noel best. Although, she knows everything about the choir. She knows almost everything about everyone in Uranium city. The most successful girl in town.

♡Noel Gruber☆
Male, he/him, born March 5th, 17, Pisces.

He has a father that killed himself and a kind, caring mother, but is very abusive and careless if drunk. He is an only child and is tired of getting: "youre so lucky to be an only child!" comments. He's sarcastic, empathic and a bit bold.. a bit. He's gay, obviously, and genderfluid. Although, being gay in a Catholic town?.. He gets bullied. Autistic (already diagnosed when he was 8). "If you loved me, you would stay." He has dealt with being invisible before. He tends to hide slot of struggles with his sassy personality. He has a crush on Mischa, but is scared to get rejected. Noel knows EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYONE. Even more than Ocean. He becomes silent when overwhelmed. But he's not a straight a student. The most romantic boy in town.

♡Mischa Bachinski☆
Male, he/him, born August 18th, 17, Leo.

He was adopted after his mother, Tamara, died. His adoptive parents starved him for months, until Mischa came out the basement and scared them. They them left money on the table for food. Then, Mischa got a job and started getting his own food. He's feared, everyone is scared of him, he's bold, he is smart, but doesn't care enough to use his knowledge to anything. He got that ago.. He's questioning himself, trying to convince himself he likes WOMEN. WOMEN..but Noel..? Mischa uses the fear by others to get what he wants, when he wants. The angeriest boy in town.

♡Ricky Potts♡
Male, he/they, born June 5th, 17, Gemini.

Their parents were caring, although, always felt disappointed since Ricky was in crutches (this Ricky us played by Alex Wyse). They had 14 cats.. Alex, Sophia, Kai, Paxton, Dean, Avyen, Anya, Charlie, Nick, Sahara, Amanuel, Kylie, Nohea and.. Savannah. Since they were mute and in crutches, people never really paid attention to Ricky. Except for the choir, of course. The choir would describe him as: creative, imaginative, empathic.. Ricky loved everyone, boys, girls, non-binary, genderfluid, trans- anybody! They knew they were pansexual. Ricky loved the name Savannah, they even dressed feminine to fit that name (I dont really pay attention to Ricky, I'm sorry :<). Ricky is Noel's BEST BEST BEST FRIEND. Since middle school. The most imaginative boy in town.

♡Penny Lamb/Jane Doe♡
Female, she/her, born April 7th, 17, Aries.

A mystery... (I dont know much about her because I never watched Legoland:<).. She has her brother, Ezra Lamb. She's kind, understanding, talented. She questions everything. She might or might not like Ocean.. and maybe she has a crush on Ricky. It is obvious, though, Ricky likes her back. If there was one person the choir could agree they would never hate, it would be Penny. The luckiest girl in town.

♡Constance Blackwood♡
Female, she/her, born November 14th, 17, Scorpio.

A kind girl. That came from a kind family of losers. She loved her baby brother dearly. She loved her parents dearly. She loves the choir dearly. She loved everything dearly.. Constance is kind. She is gentle. She is innocent.. She loves Ocean, as a friend, maybe more, but.. The nicest girl in town.


♡Natalia Muruska Bolinski♡

Female, she/her, ???, 17?, ???.

Mischa's fiancée. Mischa's ONLINE fiancée.

♡Corey Ross♡

Male, he/him, ???, 17?, ???.

The OG badegg. Silly. Noel's friend. Dislikes Mischa and Ocean.

(I won't include Trish, Hank and Astrid because I have literally no information about them)


Noel's mother is kind and sweet, but when she gets drunk she becomes abusive and rude. She is homophobic, unfortunately. .

Mischa's adoptive parents once held him at gunpoint if he talked to them again. Leaving the poor rapper scared to talk to his adoptive parents.









Ricky+Constance (they would love to make stories together ngl)


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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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