The Interesting Mind of Scharfy

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~I've decided I'm gonna write a diary but not the type were I write whole bunch of crap on how my day went and how boring school was or something it's gonna be more of a thing were I talk about what's on my mind sorta a way to blow off steam I guess so if you would like to here about the odd mind of Scharfy feel free to read on if your not interested well ummm you can go play Legos or something :)~

April 7 :)

This is My first entry on the interesting mind of Scharfy and I hope it's all right and today's topic is gonna be based on gay rights because that seems to be the topic in the news lately along with some shooting that went on in a daycare some were in Ottawa, anyways lets get back on topic. First things first I have no problems with gays lesbians bisexuals transsexuals heterosexuals any type of sexuals as long as there nice to me I'm nice to them but this whole thing on how there considering on not letting gays get married is wrong on so many levels like why can't one dude marry another dude like what's the problem that like if anything all guys should be fine with dudes who like other dudes because it just leaves more girls for you like who doesn't want more girls to choose from, the worst part about this whole thing Is most of the people who support not letting gays get married are people who say the bible says gays don't deserve rights witch yes it does say quoted from the bible "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. (NKJ, Leviticus 20:13)" but like really the worst part about these people is half them don't even care what the bible says there just scared of gays because they think there gonna try to like do something to them but there to scared to admit that so they blame it on the bible. And then there's those hardcore Christians who start saying they have to follow the bible so that's why they are against gay rights witch I find somewhat funny because if you think about it were a bunch of lesbians anyways so lesbianism should especially be okay to Christians because according to the bible god sent his one and only son to earth to pay for our sins so that makes us a bunch of little girls because jesus was the only son and were all suppose to be gods children so when we Marry its kinda hard to resist lesbianism. Anyways I just kinda find the whole anti gay rights thing stupid and I think the should just let girls marry girls and guys marry guys and let every one have a good time because all everyone needs is some ice cream and a hug :) so this is the end of my first entry on the interesting mind of Scharfy so beep boop bop it's over

April 8

Hey guys I'm back with more from my interesting mind, and today I'm going to talk about well I have know idea what to call it so I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I'm sure we have all had that crush that just happens to be your best friends ex so according to the bro code or what ever girls call there set of rules you can't go for that crush because technically it's still owned by your friend, and my opinion on this rule is that it's complete bs cuz like if your friend just recently broke up with the guy/girl I can understand like that's the right thing to do is just let shit blow over but whenever your friend broke up with the guy/girl and likes another person that's like not fair because they can't just have a two people on hold at the same time, it's either one or the other like c'mon, but the best people of them all are the people who don't have there ex on hold but instead they pretty much call 6 people and if u hit on one of them your not being a true friend like no it's one or the other, anyways that's all for tonight sorry its a bit more shorter then the last so ya but goodnight ladies and genitals bee boop bop

June 19 (2013)

Hey long time no talk, sorry that I stopped writing this I thought it was stupid but apparently some people actually liked it and read it at school so I guess that means I should write more or something..... I hope that's what they meant... Anywhoo today's topic is POKÉMON!!!!! that's right I said it were gonna talk about Pokemon now don't deny it we all have either played , collected or even watched Pokemon at least once and if I was the only one then well that's kinda awkward, but for you who don't know Pokémon is a media franchise published and owned by Japanese video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. And yes that was just copy and pasted off Wikipedia, but I'm not here today to go on rant on the history of Pokemon or that it would be the worlds coolest thing if Pokemon were real, but instead I am here to talk about how much it has changed from the first time I played to what I was watching Saturday at like 3:00am. When I used to play Pokemon every Pokemon was like amazing awesome, unique, had its own powers, had a cool name but now Pokemon has turned into crappy powers crappy names and all the Pokemon are just like a failed abortion of a dolphin with like chicken legs, like who the hell what's a ugly dolphin with chicken legs as a Pokemon like just no I want some badass electric yellow hamster thing that goes pika pika like that's the bomb right there, so Nintendo if your wondering why no one buys your toys anymore and if your wondering why your probably gonna be going bankrupted its probably because you gave up on creating new things.... Anywhoo that's all for today's entry so yaa beep boop bop

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