Chapter One: Waking Up

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Everything hurts. My vision is blurry, there's a high-pitch ringing in my ears, my head feels foggy and like it's been hit with a boulder, and my body feels like it's been hit by a semi. The pain started to subside. I could feel the cool grass underneath me and the gentle breeze in the air. I tried to move but my head started throbbing. I grimaced.  I let the pain fade before I tried to get up. I focused on what I could. I can hear the sounds of birds chirping. I could make out the type of the birds. Barn Swallows, Mourning Doves, Bluejays, and House Finches being some. My vision started clearing up and I could see three types of trees, Birch, Dark Oak, and Mahogany. I'm in a forest. The pain subsided and I slowly sat up. My outfit is casual. A pitch-black tank top, dark-teal jeans with a pitch-black belt, slate-gray socks, pitch-black combat boots, an unbuttoned sunshine-yellow flannel shirt, a gold watch and triangle-shaped gold earrings. My hip-length wavy spiky golden-blonde hair is held back in a low braid. My bangs come to my chin and most of it is covering my left eye. I slowly got to my feet and began walking. I saw a pound and went over to it to look at my reflection. I saw my reflection. My features are sharp yet soft and my eye is a brilliant sapphire-blue color. I moved my bangs to look at my other eye and saw it gone like it was ripped right out of my skull. It wasn't fresh, it happened a long time ago. I put my bangs back over it. I kept walking trying to find civilization. I then found an old shack and tourist attraction. The Mystery Shack. Intriguing name. I went up to it and saw multiple people from out of state. A girl wearing bright bold colors and a sweater tied to her waist noticed me. “Hello,” I softly said. My voice is smooth and has a bit of softness to it. “Who are you,” she asked me. Her voice is sweet yet sour. “Names Bill and what about you kiddo,” I asked her. “I'm Mable Pines,” she told me. “Nice to meet you, Mable,” I said. A pig came up to her with a taffy-pink collar. “This is Waddles, my pet pig,” she told me. “He’s adorable,” I awed. “Mable family meeting,” a boy called her. “Coming, bye Bill,” she told me and left with Waddles. I really need a place to stay. I continued exploring and found an abandoned shack I could use not too far away. Perfect. It definitely needed some love. This can work. Now I just need a job. Maybe that tourist attraction needs an employee. I walked over and saw a help wanted sign. What a coincidence. I went in and saw a whole bunch of fake mythical creatures and items. This stuff does sell through. I went up to the counter and saw a female with nice pumpkin-orange hair. “How can I help you,” she asked. “I noticed the help wanted sign and I need a job, is it possible I can get an interview,” I asked. “Sure thing, let me talk to my boss,” she told me and went to go talk to them. I looked around as I waited. “See anything you like,” a man wearing a suit and fez hat asked. “I don't have any money, I'm just browsing while I wait to see if I can get an interview here for a job,” I divulged. “What are you good at,” he asked me. “I'm extremely creative and I'm a people person,” I told him. “A lot of creativity goes into stuff like this, being creative is a useful skill to have,” he told me. I smiled slightly. “Ah, Mr. Pines, there you are,” the girl exclaimed. “Wendy is there something you need me for,” Mr. Pines asked. “This guy here wanted to get an interview to see if he could work here,” she explained and gestured to me. “You're hired, you will work as a creator of the stuff we sell,” he told me. “Thank you, I really needed this,” I gratefully said. “Are you good to work today,” he asked. “Sure,” I said. I got brought to a back room with a bunch of creative stuff. “Go crazy and make some oddities we can sell,” he told me and left. I grabbed a wooden Duck as a base. I painted the base a rich color of black. I grabbed a magenta colored felt fabric. I pinned it to the Duck base. It was entirely covered. I glass marble eyeballs. The iris are golden-yellow. I made eye holes for the eyeballs. I then glued them in. I grabbed plastic Devil horns and painted them magenta. I glued them on. I then added fake feathers fading from magenta to pitch-black. I added pitch-black clawed Duck feet to it. I then painted on scarlet-red swirls. He came back to see what I had made. “What this,” he asked, impressed. “A Demon Duck or as I like to call it, a Demuck,” I told him. “That's clever,” he said. “Can you make some more of these, they will sell like hotcakes,” he asked. “Sure,” I said. As I made more a man looking a lot like Mr. Pines came over. “You must be the creative mind Stanley hired and told me about,” he guessed. “Yup, I'm Bill, and you are,” I asked. “Stanford,” he told me, his voice getting sharper. “Nice to meet you, Stanford,” I said. He walked out in a bit of a hurry. He seems paranoid. I just shrugged and got back to work. I made about twenty more of The Demuck’s. They were flying off the shelves. Lunch came around. I didn't have any money to buy food yet. A boy with a hat that has a Pine Tree on it came in with a plate of food and a cup. “Thank you, who are you,” I asked. “Names Dipper, and you,” he asked. “Names Bill,” I introduced myself. He just nodded, put the stuff down, and left without another word. They all seemed paranoid. I wonder why. I ate the ham sandwich. I finished it then ate the chips after that I got back to work. I made about thirty more. Work ended. I got up. I started heading for the shack I found earlier. “Bye,” Mable waved, I waved back. I made it back. I checked the cupboards. The only good things were cans of brown meat and beans. I noticed a pot. I smiled. I cleaned the sink, counters, and stove making sure everything was squeaky clean. I cleaned the pot. The brown rust easily comes off with enough scrubbing. It was now clean. I then cleaned the needed dishes. I put a bit of water in the pot. I put it on the stove and got it to the needed temperature. I added the brown meat first. I seasoned it with brown sugar, salt, black pepper, cumin, garlic powder, rosemary, oregano, mustard seeds, and thyme. I mixed it all together and got it thick and meaty. I then added the baked beans. I mixed it all together. It smells so good. I finished it and put it into a clean bowl. I turned off the stove. I looked in the fridge and saw expired milk. Gross. I then saw a thing of mead. It's alcohol. It does get better with age. I am in my twenties. I grabbed it and poured it into a crystal cup. I sat down at the table and began eating, it's so good. I'm using the only chair that isn't broken. The table was still holding strong, it's circular with one contact on the floor. It's made of a nice rich wood, it's dark and smooth. Probably Dark Oak. I finished and put my dishes in the sink. I put saran wrap over the pot and put it in the fridge. Thankfully, the fridge was still cold. I went upstairs to the bedrooms and turned on the lights. A couple of months fluttered around and a Raccoon scurried back into the forest through an open window. I closed the window. I found one with a full wardrobe. Interesting. I shrugged it off and went over to the four poster bed. It's quite fancy. I grabbed the blanket and started to whip it around to get dust off it. I did the same with the pillows. I got into the bed and got under the covers. I fell asleep. As I slept, pictures flashed in my mind. Two sets of twins and the signs of a Pine Tree, A Shooting Star, A Six Fingered Hand, and a Holy Mackerel. What does it mean? I woke up in the morning with the sun. I got up and checked the wardrobe. There is flannel and denim but most of it is just common clothing for old ages. I grabbed an outfit. I dressed into tawny-brown pocketed pants, a long-sleeve button-up tab-collared pure-white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, my socks, my boots, a sleeveless unbuttoned tawny-brown denim jean jacket, my watch, and my earrings. I put my braid into a bun at the back of my head. I ate a thing of toast then walked out and headed for work. It was Wednesday after all. I saw them getting the store ready. I went in.  I waved. Wendy the cashier and Soos the handyman waved back. Mr. Pines, Stanford, Dipper, and Mable all came in. Mable was in bright bold colors again, Dipper was wearing blues, Stanford has a thing for turtlenecks I see, and Mr. Pines is in his suit. “Heya Pines,” I smiled. Dipper and Stanford were being a bit wary of me, Mable was fine with me, and Mr. Pines couldn't care less. I made my way to the crafting room. I started making tiny trinkets along with The Demuck's. One trinket was a sunshine-yellow glitter star with googly eyes. It's so silly. Another trinket I made was The Comedy and Tragedy Mask together but cracked. They were selling really well. I even made a bumper sticker. It was triangle-shaped and gold with the saying “Mystery Shack: Buy The Weird” . It was creative. They got bought a lot by tourists. I continued creating all of it. The Demuck's were being sold like toys and people liked them. Lunch came and I ate some meat and beans from last night's dinner. It's so good. After lunch I made gold star clamp-on earrings. They sold really well. I even made Pine Tree bracelets with teal and pure-white beads. They did well too. As I was looking around for materials I found a book. It looked extremely old. It was leather bound and had gold detailing. There was a clasp on it. I opened it. It's a time full of magical spells. Cool. I searched through it. I found a spell that would make candy appear. “Sweet and sour, sticky and sappy, let's make this snappy,” I read in a whisper. A bucket of candy appeared on my desk. “Sweet, literally,” I quipped. I put the book in my bag. I put a couple of candies in my pocket. I grabbed the bucket. I went over to Dipper and Mable. “I found this bucket of candy, do you guys want it,” I asked them. “Yes,” they immediately said. I gave it to them and immediately started eating it. I chuckled and smiled. I went back to work. Work eventually ended. I went to my house. I can use spells to fix it. “From old to new, from dawn to dusk, rewind the time to pristine from dust,” I incanted. The shack started to fix itself. Yes it works. What else can I do? How about a bit of mischief. I went over to the Mystery Shack to prank some passersby. “Twist and turn, back and forth, make this person stumble for awhile,” I incanted. A person started stumbling and bumping into trees. I snickered. I made a few more people do it. Why is it so funny to see people stumbling about. The Pines family came over. “Is that a grimoire,” Stanford asked. “Yeah I found it,” I told him. “What have you done with it,” Dipper asked. “Give the kids candy, fix up my living area, and pulled some innocent little pranks,” I listed. “Certain spells can be dangerous, you have no idea what they can do,” Stanford told me. “I'm not going to use them,” I told him. “It's too dangerous, give me the grimoire,” he demanded. “No, it's mine,” I rebuffed. “You have no idea what forces you're dealing with, give it to me,” he informed. “You sound like a historian at a museum,” I quipped. “This is serious, there is danger in that grimoire,” he clarified. “I'm not going to use the dangerous spells,” I told him. “It's too risky, just hand it over,” he demanded. “No,” I replied firmly. “Bill just hand over the grimoire, now,” he calmly commanded. “No, it's mine, I found it,” I retorted. He took a step towards me. “Just hand it over,” he told me. “Not a chance,” I rebuked. He got closer. I tightly held the grimoire close to my chest. “It's dangerous,” he implied. “So,” I remarked. He stepped closer to me. He grabbed the top of it. I turned my body to the side, getting it away from his grip. He firmly grabbed it and tried yanking it out of my hands. “Back off,” I barked. He kept trying to get it. My emotions got overwhelmed. My sapphire-blue eye glowed “I said back off,” I roared, my voice a bit disoriented. He noticed and kept trying to get the grimoire. I summoned blue magic from my right hand. “Let go,” I bellowed. “No,” he remarked. I shot the blast at him and he flew back. They ran over to him. My anger subsided and I fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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