first encounter

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scenario: after one of their earlier workshops. Yoko asked P'Faye to have sex with her. This is just me imagining their first time 😌


"I want to have sex with you."

Yoko never thought those words would come out of her mouth. But here she was, with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen staring at her and she just uttered she wanted to sleep with her. Faye looked at her with darkened brown eyes and Yoko realized she didn't regret saying it.

Faye licked her lips, drawing Yoko's attention to them, before moving back into her seat. She did however place her hand on the bare skin of Yoko's thigh and enjoyed the slight sharp intake of breath.

Yoko didn't realize she parted her legs until Faye's fingers brushed against her inner thigh. She sucked in her lower lip and leaned her head back.

Faye noticed with a small smile and moved her hand back to Yoko's knee. She wanted to keep some skin on skin contact. It affected Yoko in the more obvious way but it didn't help with the sudden need Faye felt. Yoko's skin was soft and she wondered what it would be like to have her lips where her fingers touched.

The SUV came to a stop and Faye stepped outside and offered Yoko a hand to help her out.

"Your condo?" Yoko accidentally said out loud.

Faye nodded slowly. She wished the driver a goodnight and took Yoko's hand, leading her up the stairs and inside. Faye fished her card key out of her pocket and they walked to the elevator. She scanned the card and pressed the highest number.

Penthouse, Yoko realized. Of course. She took off Faye's blazer and held it in her arms.

"Nervous?" Faye asked, undoing her watch buckle and slipping it off. She took her blazer from Yoko's arms and slipped the watch in the pocket.

"A little," Yoko admitted.

Faye nodded. "You've done this before, right?"

"Been nervous? Oh yeah," Yoko joked.

Faye laughed and the sound echoed in the elevator. "I love your sense of humor. But joking aside, I need an answer." She stepped closer to Yoko, invading her personal space. Her hands twitched at the need to place them on Yoko's hips but she refrained. For now.

Yoko took a small step back until she was leaning against the elevator wall. "I've had sex before." But never like this. Never with someone she's not in a relationship with. Never with someone this much older than her.

Another step forward and Faye was close enough so that their shoes were touching. "Yeah?" she breathed out, finally placing her hands on Yoko's waist. "Well, after tonight you'll only remember me," she promised.

With parted lips Yoko watched Faye lean in. Slowly, teasingly. Her senses were heightened in anticipation but the kiss never came. The elevator made a sound and then the door opened, revealing the penthouse.

Faye moved away and then took Yoko's hand, leading her inside the rented penthouse. She threw her blazer on the back of the couch and unbuttoned the two buttons of her shirt. "Want anything to drink?"

"Thank you," Yoko declined politely.

Faye smiled. "Feel free to look around. I'll be back in a moment."

Yoko watched Faye walk upstairs and then took a moment to look around. There was a modern kitchenette and a spacious living room that took up the rest of the space downstairs. She sent a quick text to her friend to let her know she wasn't coming over. Yoko slowly walked up the stairs and found herself facing three doors. She took a turn to the right and opened the door.

FayeYoko Imagines 🔞Where stories live. Discover now