chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Growing Closer

The next morning, Anne woke up to the sound of laughter drifting in from the living room. Groggy but intrigued, she rubbed her eyes and threw off her blankets. It was a Saturday, and there was something about the atmosphere that felt electric. She could feel the anticipation in the air as if something was about to happen.

Anne padded into the living room, where Sasha and Marcy were already awake, sitting on the floor surrounded by an array of art supplies. A large canvas lay between them, and they were in the middle of a heated debate about colors.

“—I’m telling you, that shade of blue is too bright!” Sasha insisted, holding up a tube of paint. “It’ll clash with everything else.”

Marcy rolled her eyes, a playful smile on her lips. “You’re just mad because I want it to look fun. Not everything has to be muted like your wardrobe.”

Anne snickered, leaning against the doorway. “Good morning, you two. What are you plotting in here?”

“Art project!” Marcy beamed, glancing up. “We figured it would be a fun way to bond more, and Sasha insisted we paint something for the apartment. You know, to liven it up a bit.”

“More like she insisted I help with it,” Sasha shot back, but the grin on her face betrayed her. “I’m just here for the snacks.”

“Hey, I brought those snacks for all of us!” Marcy shot back, tossing a mini pack of gummy bears at Sasha.

Anne laughed, the warmth spreading in her chest. “Alright, I’m in. Let me just grab a shower.”


After a quick shower, Anne joined them on the floor, her hair still damp as she settled next to Sasha. The three of them surrounded the canvas, which was slowly starting to transform into a vibrant piece of art, reflecting their personalities.

“Okay, what’s my job?” Anne asked, picking up a brush.

“Just splash some color here and there,” Marcy instructed, pointing at a blank spot. “Make it fun.”

“Yeah, like our lives,” Sasha added, rolling her eyes with a smile. “Not everything has to be serious.”

“Got it!” Anne grinned and dove in, splattering bright colors across the canvas.

As they painted, their conversation flowed easily, moving from funny stories about their childhoods to discussing their dreams and aspirations. Anne felt the bond between them strengthen with every laugh and shared secret. There was something so liberating about being able to express themselves without any judgment.

“Do you guys ever think about what we’ll be doing in a few years?” Marcy asked, her brush pausing mid-stroke. “Like, where do you see yourselves?”

“I’ll probably be drowning in medical textbooks,” Anne joked, rolling her eyes. “But seriously, I just want to help people. Maybe work in a hospital?”

Sasha nodded, her expression serious. “That’s amazing, Anne. You’d be a kickass nurse. But I can’t see you working all the time. You need to make time for yourself too.”

Anne shrugged, feeling a little defensive. “I mean, I’ll try, but you know how it is. You have to work hard to achieve your dreams.”

“True, but don’t forget to have fun along the way,” Sasha said, nudging her with her elbow. “Otherwise, what’s the point?”

Marcy watched them, a soft smile on her face. “What about you, Sasha? What do you see yourself doing?”

“Honestly? I’d love to open my own practice one day,” Sasha admitted. “I want to help kids, like, really help them, you know? But I also want to travel. See the world. I don’t want to be stuck in one place forever.”

“Sounds like you have it all figured out,” Anne teased.

“Sure, but figuring it out is part of the fun, right?” Sasha replied with a wink.


As the afternoon wore on, they finished the painting and stood back to admire their work. It was a riot of color, with splashes of blue, pink, and yellow overlapping in chaotic harmony. It was perfect.

“Honestly, I think this captures us pretty well,” Anne said, stepping back to take it all in. “A little messy, but full of life.”

“Exactly!” Marcy said, clapping her hands together. “And just think, every time we see it, we’ll remember this moment.”

“Let’s hang it up!” Sasha suggested, beaming. “It needs to be displayed proudly.”

They found a perfect spot on the wall in the living room, hanging it with care. As they stepped back to admire their handiwork, Anne couldn’t help but feel a sense of belonging wash over her.

“Alright, time for a snack break!” Marcy declared, plopping down on the couch, exhausted but happy.

“Hell yes,” Sasha said, flopping down beside her. “I could eat a fucking horse.”

“Don’t even think about it. I’m not cooking for you,” Marcy teased, rolling her eyes.

Anne laughed, joining them on the couch. “You two are ridiculous.”


As they settled in with their snacks, the conversation took a more serious turn. “Hey, can I ask you guys something?” Anne said, her voice a little hesitant.

“Of course,” Marcy said, her expression shifting to concern.

“Do you ever feel like... like there’s something more between us?” Anne asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

Sasha’s eyes widened slightly, and Marcy looked thoughtful. “What do you mean?” Sasha asked, her voice carefully neutral.

“I mean,” Anne continued, struggling to find the right words, “the way we’ve been together, it feels different. I mean, I love you both, but sometimes it feels like there’s this tension that’s just… there. And I can’t help but wonder if it’s just me.”

Marcy glanced at Sasha, her expression serious. “I’ve felt it too. But I didn’t want to say anything and make it weird.”

Sasha nodded, her gaze thoughtful. “I mean, we’re in a polyamorous relationship, right? We’ve talked about it before. So why not explore it?”

Anne felt her heart race. “You really think so? I don’t want to ruin what we have. It’s too important to me.”

“Me too,” Marcy said softly, reaching out to take Anne’s hand. “But what we have is already special. I don’t think it would ruin anything; I think it could make it better.”

Sasha nodded, her fingers intertwining with Anne’s. “We’re already sharing so much of ourselves. Why not share this too?”

The weight of their words hung in the air, and for a moment, Anne felt completely overwhelmed. But there was also a flicker of hope and excitement. Maybe they could navigate this together.

“Okay,” Anne said, her voice firm yet soft. “Let’s take it slow, alright? I want to explore this, but I don’t want to rush anything.”

“Absolutely,” Sasha agreed, her eyes shining. “We’ll figure it out together. Like we always do.”


As the sun set outside, casting a warm glow through the windows, Anne felt a sense of hope bubbling inside her. They were navigating uncharted waters, but together, she felt like they could conquer anything.

Jesus .
4 chapters published in a day. I a need break.
These chapter were written from monday until Friday (today.)
That's why Theres alot of chapters in one day haha
Also these 3 mfs has been making me go crazy on how to make them get together
FFS it's difficult if all three of them don't make a move
Or one of them will? Idk lol
Anyways bye gang

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