Chapter 1

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Tips P.O.V

I'm being chased on my Harley by a herd of walkers. I'm somewhere in Atlanta. I've searched all of America for my brothers and fuck they've gone far. I know they're not walkers. Their way to strong. There's about 20 walkers following me. "Fuck it"i say out loud. I speed up very fast so I'll have a head start and jump off and run into the woods. I go pretty deep then turn around and wait for the herd to catch up I get out my katana sword and get ready. They all start catching up running like there no tomarra. "Bitch"i say out loud. I pull out my crossbow and start shooting from a far. I got like about ten of them when they were to close to shoot. I had my katana sword in one hand and started swinging but you now my way. I see a walker running up to me I quick I give it a big kick in the face so hard that I hear a crack and its limp body falling to the floor
As soon as it died I heard a crunch behind me got out my butterfly knife and stabbed it in the eye. I was killing walkers at like 200 mph. I was soon crowded by them but not even one got to touch me. As all their bodies fell to the floor
I was still in the middle of their limp bodies all on the floor. I was in a stance when I twirled my katana and knife and put them in my pocket. I then started to take out the arrows from the walkers. Once I was done I saw a building close by it was a prison. I started walking up to it. I saw no body in side the metal fence. I quickly climbed it in no rush at all. I got over the bob whire so easily I could do it in my sleep I pulled out my crossbow to make sure their were no walkers. All of a sudden I heard a gunshot. I looked around then all of a sudden a huge crowd of people came out from the prison they all gasped I put my hands up in surrender and said "it wasn't me"i then put my crossbow on my back and spit out the cigarette that was in my mouth and stepped on it I scanned the crowd and said "i come in pea-" I stopped mid sentence and saw a Harley Davidson motor cycle and knew exactly who it belonged to I scanned the crowd once more and their I saw him. I gave a smirk and said as i started walking up to the person I had locked eyes with the man with the crossbow aimed at my head. "Well here you are."i said looking strait in his eyes. "Here I am travelin the world looking for your sorry ass and here you are. Probably not thinkin of where I went. Wow you haven't changed a bit." I said. "Who the hell are you and I swear to god I will shoot yo ass" he said with the same thick accent as me. "No you won't, you would never shoot your own blood..would you darlena??"he stopped pointing the crossbow at my head and dropped it. "What" he said looking amazed yet angry. "Come on darlena you couldn't recognize your own fucking sister for Pete sake." Everyone gasped he dropped everything and ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug imaginable. "Where the fuck have you been tip". He said still hugging me. "Oh you know looking for my fucking brothers oh and where the fuck is Merle" i said as he set me down. "He's inside you wanna go surprise him?" He said moving his eyebrows up and down "hell yeah I do" I said we were about to start walking to get inside when I remembered something i stopped. "Wait hold up"i said putting my hand out motioning for him to stop. He stopped and looked at me. "What?" He asked "my bike" I said pointing back into the woods. "Come on well get it later" he said I thought about it for a second. "Okay fine but if anything happens to it you gettin an arrow in yo ass" I said. We continued to walk when somebody said from behind me "hold on there just a second" I stopped without even turning around."who are you?" he asked again I turned around and slowly walked up to him. I stared him in the eyes with the famous Dixon stare. He looked frightened. We kept staring at each other except I gave him the Dixon stare. After a few seconds I spit on the grass on the side of me and he flinched. i gave him a small laugh and continued walking inside when I got to where Daryl was he laughed and gave me a high five and said with a big grin on his face "that's my sister"

Daryl Dixons sister - a Carl grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now