X. women's fury

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Darcy thought herself useless without a steady position in the company. Of course, as Tommy said, she was the brains of the operation, but in truth she wasn't doing anything. She went to the shop in the morning, hung about, ordered people around, and sealed the books when she deemed John too drunk. She liked to hang around Michael, who — although pissed her off — she thought needed a bit of supervision.

"That ain't right." Darcy said with her brows furrowed, leaning over Michael and the accounts.

"What is?" He asked, looking behind himself.

"You gave 'im ten shillings," She stated, "But you're lookin' at Wednesday, not Thursday. Isaiah covered Jimmy on the night shift yesterday, so it should be six, not three. Thirteen, in total."

Darcy didn't let Michael sink in the lecture; instead handed Isaiah the pennies.

"Where's your head, 'Siah, in your arse?" She asked the boy smoking on the other side of the desk.

"Yeah," He scoffed, "Cheers, Cece, I owe you one. In fact, we should go and get a drink right now."

Darcy tilted her head, "Just us? Fuck no, I have a husband, remember?"

"Come with us, Mickey, then, eh?"

Michael didn't even look up, "No, I'm alright."

"Yeah, Mickey, c'mon." Darcy pushed him slightly.

"I've work to do."

"Well ain't that grand? Everyone does."

Isaiah nodded enthusiastically at Darcy's words, "But it's payday. Women from the BSA offices are out, and when I tell you Mickey—..they go out on their own these days," Michael raised his head, "Without the men. Honest. Take a look at your cousin here—"

"Don't bring me into this."

"Mickey, Cece knows this already, but you should as well: they don't serve a black man without a Shelby by his side."

"Look, here's a Shelby," He said, motioning to Darcy behind him.

"If they don't know me, I hardly manage meself a drink, too."

"Everyone knows you." Michael taunted as he leaned back on his chair, perhaps he meant it.

"Mhm," Darcy hummed, "And anyway, I'm a Sabini now, you was at the bloody wedding—"

"Alright, fuck, I'll go."

The Marquis was packed. And not with old men singing away their sorrows or former soldiers sinking away into the bar cushions, but with youngsters. Men and women. Not a single sour-faced bloke in sight.

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