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Nate's House

Nate glanced at the clock. Shit. It was 3 a.m. He'd spent the last 4 hours talking to Amber about the car ride home with Erik.

"So, are you going to actually give him a chance?"

"I dunno…" Nate mumbled, biting his lip.

"Nate! C'mon! You've spent the last three years gawking at him, and now you're going to push him away?"

Nate sighed. It was so much more complicated then she made it sound. Then again, most things were. "It's just…It's like he thinks he's already got me wrapped around his finger."

"Well, he kind of does…"

"What? No he doesn't!"

"Nate, you just spent the last four hours talking to me on the phone about him."

Aww, fuck. Why did this have to be one of the few times when she was actually right?

"Whatever. Amber…listen, I'm getting really tired. Let's talk tomorrow."

"Alright. Have cute dreams." She teased.

"Oh, shut up Amber." Nate mumbled. His words didn't have as much bite as he'd hoped as he hung up the phone.

Just as Amber had requested, he had cute dreams that night- the type that casted Erik as the main lead.

Well, wouldn't he be utterly delighted. Thank God he'd never know.

At School

By the time 4th period rolled around on Monday, Nate had nearly lost his mind. He'd spent his whole weekend obsessing over his conversation with Erik.

How the hell had he managed to manipulate the situation and get Nate to divulge one of his biggest secrets while Nate hadn't come away from the conversation with anything? And what the hell was he trying to do by telling him it was cute?


This time the conversation would be different. He would get to the bottom of all these mindgames. Nate had even made a list of all the questions he needed answered.

After enduring yet another torturous hour of Erik's stare burning a hole in the back of his head, Nate bolted over to Erik's desk the second the bell to dismiss class rang.

"Hello, Nathaniel." Erik looked up at Nate with that familiar smirk of his.

Damn it. Nate was desperate, and they both knew it. Otherwise he wouldn't be coming to Erik like this. And Erik was all too aware of that fact, judging by the look on his face.

"Don't get too excited. The only reason I'm talking to you is to get answers." Nate shot, glaring down at him.

"Yes, I know."


"I figured as much. That's why I told Amber to go ahead and have lunch with her other friends today." He stretched lazily, resting his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his seat.

Nate stared at him for a second, dumbfounded, before his features contorted in anger. Damn it. He had expected this, anticipated his reaction. Again.

"Big. Fucking. Deal. It's not like anyone in my situation wouldn't have questions!"

"Your situation?" Erik asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes, my situation." Nate shot, crossing his arms. "Being stalked by some creepy, stuck up asshole."

"Ahh." Erik stood up and headed for the door without another word.

"Hey! Wait! Where are you going?" Nate yelled, spinning around. Erik paused at the door, glancing over his shoulder.

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