Chapter 7

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F, N and Z went out of the office, fixing the sign that off limit. N apologizing to Z for his action about getting into his office without noticing.

N: Zachary, I'm sorry for going to your office without noticing the off limit sooner. It just i was devastated about my friend Riley.

Z: Napoleon. It okay. There is nothing to be sorry about especially you lose someone that you protect.

N: I should've be there for him. I should've had! If i really trying to protect, then none of this would ever happen!

Z: Napoleon, look at me. It was never your fault. Ever since your father died in a car, I put this broken car in the museum.

N: Wait, Did you?

Z: Yes. This represent the memories of you and your father.

N: Wow. I never thought of this, but now i remember. When will Riley's funeral?

Z: Tomorrow. Minus well get ready for tomorrow.

F and N walk with Z outside of program. They saw that Deh was beating Q up. They became mad.

N: Hey Darren!!

Deh: What do you want?

N: Leave Qadir alone!

Deh: What the heck are you going to do about it. He just too slow to catch up.

Z: He maybe slow, but he is such a genius. You should not treat other the way you wanted to be treated!

F has an idea that he might seen the video of the gatorade shower. So he sneak off to get the gatorade bucket during Deh's insult and put the gatorade in there. He hold on to the bucket for Deh.

Deh: Now you listen, you disgusting, pathetic, stupid, ungrateful liars! If you gonna defend Napoleon over me, That fine! I don't need Him, Flynn, Qadir and Everyone!!!! including you Zachary!!! My brother is going to kill you all for how you been treating me like this!! You all suppose to worship me for thi- wait what the heck?!

Deh's word was interrupted when he a loud clicking noise. He small something that was gatorade spill on him. He look up and saw that F was up on the roof.

F: Hey you little punk! do you remember me you pig?!

F squeal like a pig and dump the bucket of gatorade on Deh. N and Z became in shocked and everyone started to laugh. N started chuckling.

N: Man. He is nuts 

Z: Uhhh... Yes he is..indeed


F: This is payback for how you talked bad about me and Napoleon behind our backs!

Deh: You know what! I hate all of you!!! I hate you!!!

Deh ended up walking away. In the Night time. F and N went home, feeling tired from a crazy day they had.

F: Are you feeling a lot better

N: Yes i have. That was good that you dump the gatorade on the Darren's head!

F: Yeah. It also called the Gatorade shower! And we already get the clothes for riley funeral.

N: Right. So do you want to watch a movie together?

F: Sure

F and N were picking out a movie and pick out bettlejuice. They watch bettlejuice when they was a scene were Adam and Barbara died due to drowning in the river. N lay on F.

N: Oh man. This movie must have been crazy to watch!

F: Yup. And fact Bettlejuice is one of my favorite movie other than death proof.

N: Cool. My favorite movies is the incredibles

F: You watch incredibles too!

N: Yes i have. I watch two movies of incredibles.

F: Cool

N making a blush at F

N: Hey Flynn I

F: Yes. Anything you want to say?

N: I just wanna you to know that you are the coolest person i have ever met especially that we were little.

F: *blushes* uhh. Thanks i guess.

N kisses F on a cheek and fall asleep on him. F blush and kisses his forehead. N smile happily as He and F falls asleep.

End of chapter 7 

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⏰ Last updated: 11 hours ago ⏰

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