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I woke up the next morning and sat up in bed, the shrill of my alarm piercing the quiet room. The dream clung to me like a damp blanket, the echoes of Miss Kim's laughter lingering in the air. My heart was racing, my chest tight with a mix of excitement and fear. The digital display glared at me, a harsh reminder that today was the day. I'd hand her the letter, tell her everything.

The house was still, the only sound the rhythmic tick of the alarm clock. I turned it off, my hand shaking slightly. The room looked the same as always—posters of my favorite bands peeling at the corners, the half-finished art project on my desk. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, the floor cold against my bare feet.

Taking a deep breath, I stood and made my way to the bathroom. The water was hot, steam curling around me as I showered, the warmth seeping into my bones. I let it wash away the last traces of sleep, the last vestiges of doubt. When I stepped out, the towel wrapped around me, I felt reborn, ready to face whatever the day had in store.

Breakfast passed in a blur, I was too preoccupied by my thoughts. I could barely taste the toast, my stomach was knotted in nerves. Dad had already gone off to work. The silence was deafening, each tick of the clock a countdown to the moment I'd been both dreading and craving.

In the quiet of the apartment, I took out the letter, reading it over one last time. The words looked foreign like they belonged to someone else. But they were mine. My heart's confession, laid bare on the page. I folded it carefully, sliding it into my pocket.

The walk to school was a battle with the wind, leaves swirling around me like a tornado of doubt. But with every step, I felt more determined. I had to do this. It was the only way to move forward, to free myself from the cage of my own making.

As the school gates came into view, I took a deep breath, the cool air filling my lungs and clearing my head. Mina was waiting for me, her eyes searching my face for signs of what I hadn't yet told her. But she knew—she had to. She was the only one who knew the secret I'd been carrying around like a hidden treasure, a burden and a joy all at once.

"You okay?" she asked, her voice soft.

"I'll be fine," I lied, flashing a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. "It's just... today's the day."

Her expression grew serious. "You're going to tell her?"

I nodded, feeling the letter in my pocket. "I have to. I can't keep this inside any longer."

Mina took my hand, giving it a firm squeeze. "You're brave," she said. "I'm here for you, no matter what happens."

Her support was like a balm to my nerves. We made our way through the school's corridors, the cacophony of students and teachers a stark contrast to the quiet of my resolve. When we reached Miss Kim's classroom, the door was ajar, the room empty except for the lingering scent of her perfume. My heart skipped a beat. This was it.

I stepped inside, my eyes searching the room for any sign of her. Her bag was slung over the back of her chair, an open book resting atop it. With trembling hands, I pulled out the letter and placed it gently inside, feeling like a thief leaving a love note behind. I didn't know what her reaction would be, but I knew I couldn't hide my feelings anymore. They were too big, too powerful, like a wildfire that needed to be set free.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the school day. Students began to trickle in, their chatter filling the space like a rising tide. I took my seat, my eyes glued to the bag. My heart hammered in my chest, the seconds stretching into an eternity.

And then she was there, the door opening with a gentle creak. Miss Kim walked in, her eyes scanning the room, her smile warm and welcoming.

My heart raced as she moved to her desk, her bag swinging by her side. She pulled out her book, her eyes never landing on the letter nestled within. She began the lesson, her voice a soothing balm to the jitters that had taken up residence in my chest. I sat there, frozen, watching her every move, waiting for some indication that she knew. But she taught the class just as she always did, with a passion that made the words come alive, her gestures animated as she recounted the tales of long-dead poets.

As the lesson continued, the weight of my secret grew heavier. What if she never found it? What if she did, and she was repulsed by my admission? The thought sent a chill down my spine, but I pushed it away. No, she had to know. She had to understand the depth of my feelings.The bell rang, signaling the end of the class. The room erupted into the usual shuffle of papers and chair legs scraping against the floor. I waited until the last student had left before approaching her desk. She looked up, her eyes meeting mine, a question in their depths. I opened my mouth to speak, but the words remained lodged in my throat.

"Miss Kim," I managed to croak, my voice barely above a whisper.

Her gaze softened as she took in my flushed cheeks and shaky hands. "Is everything okay?" she asked, her concern genuine.

I took a deep breath, feeling the letter in my pocket like a hot coal. I wanted to blurt it all out, but the words tangoed in my mind, refusing to form coherent sentences. Instead, I mumbled, "I just... I wanted to say... have a good day." It was a pitiful substitution for my confession, I wanted to say more but I chickened out.

Her smile was gentle, the corners of her eyes crinkling in a way that made my heart flutter. "Thank you," she said. "You too, Jisoo. I look forward to seeing your progress in the next assignment."

With that, she returned her attention to her grading, leaving me standing there like a statue. The moment had come and gone, and I had missed it, chickening out like a coward. I turned and left the classroom, the door closing with a finality that echoed in my heart.

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