Chapter 1

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I had an icy image around my school but it wasn't because I was a bad boy or anything like that. I was just simply not a kind hearted person or a person who cared enough to talk to other people about their problems. I was incredibly popular for no fucking reason since I really couldn't stand anybody in the school. I stayed by myself, never talked to anyone, and yet I'm a bad boy and popular.

I wasn't always like this, I used to be popular because I was fun to be around. I used to laugh, joke around, and be boyishly stupid but that changed when I met her. Catherine Peterson.

She's the bitch who decided to ruin my happiness by tricking me into falling in love with her...and I'm embarrassed to admit that I foolishly did fall for that backstabbing bitch. She broke my heart which caused my icy cold walls to surround my wounds. Catherine every since then she's become popular for dating and dumping me so I have to see her gloating face every fucking day. I want to strangle that pale, flat-chested, blonde dumbass every time I see her damn confident smirk...knowing that she hurt and changed me...and I was still stupidly, blindly and completely in love with her...but that doesn't mean half of me wouldn't kill her-

"Harold! Pay attention!," Mrs. Briggs snapped, adjusting her granny glasses on her wrinkled ass face. I scowled, not saying anything when Catherine turned around to look at me. Her blonde hair flipped over her shoulder and her bright blue eyes were wide as if she wasn't expecting me to be looking at her. Her pink lip glossed lips pulled into that annoying smirk that seemed like it was delivered from hell just for me.I hate that bitch.

I snapped my attention away from Catherine, trying hard to remain calm and keep my feelings and emotions in check. My mind begin to fog as it started drifting off in daydreams, I was trying to press down in my head. I didn't really care for History at all- I preferred Math.

"As I was saying, for a few months we will have a guest in our classroom. She was supposed to be here by now...I don't really have anything for today...," Mrs. Briggs announced.It seemed liked everything was moving in slow motion as the bitch talked and it was getting hard for me to sit still.

"Mrs.Brigg's," I blurted, my tone blunt as fuck. I didn't wait for her to ask what I wanted just told her, I needed to go to the bathroom. She glared at briefly but gave me permission. I heard an angry exhale from Catherine's direction which no doubt meant she was pissed about not being able to torture me. I stood up from my chair, feeling Catherine's eyes burning holes in my back as I made my way quickly out of the classroom.

I stalked through the halls towards the bathroom, knowing that I was going to have to copy somebody's notes which frustrated me even more. The bathroom door wasn't really a sight to be happy of but it was time away from Catherine. Entering the bathroom, I glanced at myself in the mirror then lightly rinsed my face. I had to focus because exams were coming up. I couldn't just fail.

Sighing in defeat, I took a few more minutes to gather the non existent fucks I give about her class before exiting the bathroom. I followed my path to class with a clearly irritated look on face and my emerald eyes dull with annoyance.

I rounded the first corner to find a woman standing there with a few books in her hands. Was this the guest Mrs.Bitch was talking about? She did seem to fit it but she looked really young. Shaking my head, I approached her, trying to wipe the scowl off my face.

"Hello Miss?," I said, despite how hard I tried annoyance cut sharply into my voice.The lady turned around and I'm not going to say she took my breath away but she wasn't what I thought she was going to look like.

Her blue eye were the lightest color of blue I've ever seen as they blinked underneath her subtle make up. Her lips were thin and pink but were in a tight line, signaling she was frustrated about something. Her clothes looked unnatural for college since most people decide to wear something a bit dressy for classes...but it seemed like she didn't care about it. Her shirt was a plain, dirty looking beige, while her jeans were dark blue. Her outfit was complete by a few bracelets, a ring, and her raggedy converse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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