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↳The arena was still buzzing from Bakugo's match, but the next one was on a whole different level. It was Todoroki vs. Midoriya—a battle everyone had been waiting for. I leaned back in my seat, arms crossed, ready for the spectacle to begin. This wasn't just any fight. I could feel the tension from here.

From the start, it was intense. Todoroki opened up strong, using his ice to dominate the field, freezing the ground and sending massive waves of ice at Midoriya. But Midoriya wasn't backing down. He dodged and weaved, using his crazy reflexes and strategizing on the fly like always.

Then, something unexpected happened.

Midoriya started pushing Todoroki, verbally, emotionally. I could hear bits and pieces from the stands, about how Todoroki was only using his ice, how he was rejecting his fire. That struck a nerve in Todoroki—everyone could feel it. And then, in a flash of heat, everything changed.

Roki unleashed his flames.

The crowd gasped. I sat up straight, eyes wide. He'd never used his fire before. This was the first time I'd seen it in action. The air shimmered with heat, and the ice on the battlefield started to melt. It was a total shift in the match. Todoroki was using both sides of his quirk now, and the sheer power was overwhelming.

Midoriya tried to counter, even breaking his own fingers to generate shockwaves, but Todoroki's combined fire and ice attacks were too much. With a final, devastating blast of fire and ice, Todoroki sent Midoriya crashing out of bounds. Midnight declared Todoroki the winner, and the arena erupted into applause.

But all I could think was, damn, Roki's got some issues.

As I watched Todoroki walk away, something told me the guy was battling more than just opponents. He was fighting something on the inside. But there was no time to dwell on allat.

It was time.

I stood up, my heart racing for different reasons now. Not only was I about to face Shiozaki, but I also had a dumb crush on her. Yeah, I know... Not the best time for romantic feelings, but hey, it happens.

As I stepped into the ring, I caught sight of her, standing calmly, her vines swaying slightly in the wind. She looked so graceful. I blushed immediately.

"Hi, Miss Shiozaki," I mumbled, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "You, uh... you look really... nice."

She smiled softly, bowing her head slightly. "Thank you, Y/N. Let's have a good match."

Great, now I was even more flustered. I tried to get it together, but my brain was short-circuiting. "Uh, yeah. Let's do that! Also, uh, do you... maybe... wanna, like, hang out sometime after this?"


She blinked, probably confused by my terrible attempt at flirting. But before I could dig myself into a bigger hole, Present Mic announced the start of the match.

The second the signal went off, I was all business. Shiozaki sent her vines toward me, trying to trap me, but I summoned my chainsaws and shredded through them with ease. The vines kept coming, but they didn't stand a chance.

In a matter of seconds, I closed the distance, chopping her vines like it was nothing. I went in for a quick strike, aiming to knock her out, but I hesitated for a split second. I didn't want to hurt her. That hesitation was enough for her to send more vines at me, but I quickly sliced through them and knocked her out of bounds with a swift move.

Midnight declared me the winner, and the crowd cheered. But all I could think about was the awkward conversation from before. I walked over to Shiozaki as she stood up, brushing herself off.

"Hey, uh... 'm sorry about that.." I said, nervously rubbing my arm. "You were great- I MEAN, YOU'RE STILL GREAT NOW I JUST- I'm... gonna stop talking."

She smiled at me, and to my surprise, she handed me a small piece of paper. "Here. My number. Maybe we can talk after the festival."

I stared at the paper, blushing furiously. "W-What? For real?"

She nodded before walking away, leaving me standing there like an idiot, holding her number in my shaking hand.

Then, of course, as I walked back to the stands, Denki came rushing over, eyes wide and full of envy. "No way! You got her number?!"

"Yeah... I guess so," I mumbled, still in disbelief.

Denki puffed out his chest. "You lucky bastard! Fight me right now!"

I laughed nervously. "Calm down, Denki. 's just a number."

But Denki wasn't having it. He playfully shoved me, trying to start a fight. "I swear, I'm gonna electrocute you into next week!"

As Denki kept messing with me, I couldn't help but smile. Yeah, the fight had been easy, but somehow, that awkward flirting had been the hardest part of the day.

Holy crap I can't believe I got her number!!

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