Behind the scenes(SMUT❗)

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Tunner x Jevin

Woah the first chapter is a smut chapter? Everybody better keep their hands out of their pants 😒

Good luck reading this lmao

Yes they're wearing clothes by the way 😐


Tunner and Jevin hated each other, that's what everyone knew. The two couldn't even stand being in a room together for a minute before they started fighting, it mostly started because Tunner would randomly yell at him but that's besides the point.

Nobody knew why they hated each other so much, but in all honesty nobody really cared enough to ask. Well, everyone besides Grey.

Usually Grey would stick in his own business but he was curious, where did this weird hatred amongst them come from? He just had to find out.

"So.. I know it's not really my business but do you mind telling me why you hate Jevin so much?" Grey stood in front of Tunner's little hut, he held a clipboard as he was prepared to write anything and everything Tunner said down.

"Eh? I don't gotta tell you anything. Get out of my sight!" Tunner slammed the door in Grey's face without another word, Grey only rolled his eyes and sarcastically wrote down what he said.

"Well then.. off to Jevin's." Grey mumbled under his breath as he walked towards Jevin's medium sized house, it was a lot larger than Tunner's though. He knocked on the door and patiently waited, he heard shuffling behind the door and within seconds; the door slowly opened to reveal Jevin.

He was in his usual outfit but looked a little bit more tired than usual. "Sorry if I woke you, I just wanted to ask you some questions." Jevin nodded in reply as he rubbed his eyes, yawning a bit as he turned his complete focus back on Grey.

"What questions exactly?" Jevin asked, his tone low as he rested his arm against the door frame. "I was wondering if you could explain your well known rivalry with Tunner?" Grey quickly replied making Jevin sigh and rub his eyes.

"Well, I don't like spilling my business. So you aren't gonna get any answers, in assuming you've already asked Tunner as well." Jevin spoke with a hint of annoyance, Grey sighed as Jevin closed the door with a small 'bye'.

Looks like his little adventure was over, if he was ever thinking of being a Detective; it'd be best if he gave it up now.


Jevin let out a sigh if relief, he turned towards his calendar and slightly smiled.

They would meet up in an hour for their daily meetups. Sure, they did it every day but Jevin couldn't shake the joy and excitement he got from the feeling. It was nice.

He got himself ready, taking a good shower; brushing his teeth afterwards.

Thirty minutes until his little visit. He decided to watch TV for a bit, slowly nodding off in the process. It wouldn't hurt to take a small nap. Yeah, it couldn't possibly hurt.

. .

It hurt. Really bad. He was 10 minutes late and he knew that Tunner had a little patience. He quickly dove behind bushes as to not be seen by anyone, he finally reached Tunner's house and jumped over his fence; arriving in his backyard as he knocked on his window.

Tunner opened the window and held out his hand, pulling him in with a single moment. "Someone's late.." Tunner didn't sound mad, if anything, he was treating it as some sort of joke.

"I apologize, I over slept." Tunner chucked and dusted him off, "it's fine, I understand." Tunner walked him over to his couch, making him sit down as he headed towards his kitchen – supposedly to get a snack for the two.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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