Chapter 2 | The Encounter

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(Y/n) = Your name.

(H/c) = Haori color.


Previous on Butterfly Chapter!

You groan as blood drip from your nose, about to use your sleeve to stop the blood you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Oh fuck, your bleeding, let me help!"

A young man, maybe in his 20s held your face. White hair, with a tattoo on his neck, that happened to look familiar. He also had a headband that really caught your attention as you blurt out.

"..Tengen Uzui!?"


"Huh- Oh wait, we can talk about that later first we should stop that nose bleed!"

He brought out a tissue pack as he applied one to your nose, his face inches away from yours. You held back a irritated look at how he entered your personal space, yet he was simply helping to stop the nose bleed so you calm down.

"Alll done!"

He stepped back as to check if any blood stain was left on your pretty face. Yeah. Pretty. He can't deny your looks. But! You look much younger so pushing those thoughts away he tilt his head, clicking his tongue.

"So back on the whole name thing, you must be talking about my great great greattt grandpa huh!"

Your eyes widen slightly at his words. Finding your right words as you spoke,

"Yes, you really look alike to him."

"And from the looks of it, you must be a descendant just like me!" He pointed at himself, causing you to simply nod.

"Yes, Im from the Kocho household."

You polited bow, causing him to flinch as he bow himself.

"And I'm from the Uzui household. Cool to find another one just like me! Descendants from the amazing Demon Slayers!"

This made your eyes sparkle. You've read that besides your family, there was two other households that continue passing down the Breathing Techniques.

But meeting one right now! especially someone who knows about the great history about them made your heart skip a beat. To find someone who you can talk freely about this too.

It's like a dream come true!

"Oh but let me introduce myself, I'm Tenma Uzui!"

"Ah, yes. Forgive me for not introducing myself probably, I'm (Y/n) Kocho."

As you both started to walk, he began telling you about his lineage. The founder of Sound Breathing, Tengen Uzui. He had three wives and after the battle decided to live a quiet but lively life with them.

Soon enough the three wives gave birth to his children and passed down his Breathing technique, along with teachings of a Shinobi.

Tenma Uzui, after reading the records of his great grandpa, and the battle that took place, he decided to pick up on the Breathing and teachings of being a Shinobi.

He was able to master all forms at the age of Ten. As for the skills of a Shinobi, he wasn't fully able to master it as his parents passed away at the age of 15. Ever since then, he stopped his training and decided to finish off High School.

"I'm sorry to hear about this.." You muttered out as Uzui kicked a rock.

"Nah, no need to apologize kid. It's been more then 5 years, just living life."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 8 hours ago ⏰

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