•Chapter Two•

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West Coast High School. Home of the Dolphins since our town was right next to the beach.

I got out of my car and headed towards the doors that let you enter the place I like to call 'hell.'

I headed in the direction to my locker when suddenly I saw something I did not want to see.

There, against my locker was my ex-boyfriend Ricky making out with a redhead.

Puh-lease. What is he trying to accomplish?

I walked towards them and cleared my throat.

"Oh hey Lilac. Didn't see you there." Ricky said with a smirk while the redhead kept glaring at me.

"Of course you didn't. Now please move. You're standing right in front of my locker." I replied with an easy smile.

Two can play this game. I've been hiding my emotions my whole life. Right now I want to punch Ricky in the face but I kept my cool.

He looked confused before stepping out of the way.

"Thank you," I smiled again and gave him a light punch on the shoulder "pal."

Haha stupid motherfucker. Thinking he can actually get a riot out of me. Well think again.

I gathered my books while still grinning and heard Ricky push the girl away and storm off.

Poor girl.


I went into homeroom and walked towards my seat next to my friend Nikki.

"Hey Paris!" She chirped happily.

"Hey Nikki!" I said just as enthusiastically.

"I'm sorry about Ricky. I saw him at your locker with that redhead." She looked at me in a concerned way.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." I said cooly.

Truthfully, I want to yell at him for cheating on me and beat him up until he's blind.

I wanted to cry and hug someone. I wanted the ache in my heart to go away. So I made the pain go away by being emotionless and continue life being nonchalant.

Classes went by in a blur and soon enough it was lunch time.

I stopped by my locker to drop off my books.

"Hey Lilac."

"Hi Lilac!"

"Lilac! I love your outfit!"

I smiled as people passed by me and said hello.

I walked in the cafeteria and sat at the center table. The 'cool' table I guess what people called it.

Our high school was kind of cliche with the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, and the bad boy.

I sat in between Nikki and Brian, a jock, at the large table and everyone was chatting amongst themselves.

"Hey Lilac!" Everyone greeted.

I smiled in response.

"I'm gonna go get food." I told Nikki.

I got up and went to the lunch line.

As I waited in line, the person beside me cleared their throat.

Turning my head to the side, I made eye contact with such beautiful eyes.

"Uh hey." The guy said nervously.

"Hey! Jesse, right? You're In my Physics class." I smiled warmly.

Jesse Johnson. He has dark hair, pale skin, and wears glasses. He was fucking hot, a hot nerd. Jocks were kind of mean to him and girls usually steered away from him to keep their social status. But I didn't really care. I've kind of had a crush on him since like 5th grade but never really had the guts to do anything about it. Then, I started dating Ricky, but that crush never really went away. Yeah, I'm pathetic.

"Yeah I am. So um, do you-" He was rudely interrupted by another voice.

A voice I hate.

"Move it you fucking nerd." Ricky said smugly as he pushed Jesse out of the way.

This motherfu-

"So babe, whatcha getting to eat?"

How could I ever had dated him?! He's such a dick.

I didn't reply and shoved him out of the way as I checked if Jesse was okay.

"Hey, you okay? Sorry about that. Ricky can be a total-"

"Dick? Yeah I know. Don't apologize for his wrong doings though."

I smiled at him. Not a fake one I do with everyone else. It was a real genuine smile.

From behind me I heard Ricky huff angrily as he stormed off. I just rolled my eyes.

"So, um, what were you saying?" I asked Jesse.

"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry. I forgot." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Oh. So he didn't want to ask me out. Of course not, he probably doesn't even like me!

Well that fucking sucks.

"Do you want to sit with me?" I already paid for my lunch so we were just standing there.

"No, it's okay."

"Really, oh okay then. See Ya later." I said with a sad smile.

"I'll see you Saturday though right? At the Thompson's house? Since they're having the party.."

"Yeah. I'll see you there."

With that, we both went in different directions to our lunch tables.

"Why were you talking to that Justin nerd guy?" Nikki asked with a giggle.

"His name is Jesse Johnson and don't call him a nerd." I said defensively.

"Okay. Geeze I was just kidding." She held her hands up in surrender. She then gasped. "Oh my freaking-you like Jesse don't you?"

Thankfully, I was saved by the bell and I rushed out of the cafeteria blushing furiously.

Oh shit.

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