Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan is an anime about Koshitan, a high school president with the past of being a delinquent, Koshitan's sister named Anko, a deer girl named Nokotan, and another Highschooler who loves eating rice named Bashame. The whole plot of the show is basically just to be funny, including references to pop culture media.
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan's main intention as a show was to bring popularity to deer, to bring people to Hino Park. Hino Park is a deer zoo where you are able to see and feed deer. Its popularity skyrocketed after the release of the anime, most likely due to the show's funny and silly moments.
The show as a whole revolves around Koshitan's club, known as their school's 'Deer Club'. Deer Club is a club created by Koshitan and Nokotan to help protect and feed deer. However, the club needed a representative deer for the deer club to be complete. So, Nokotan was obviously selected to be the club's deer. How does this work? I have absolutely 𝓝𝓞 idea.
We also happen to meet the school's elected representatives: Neko, Kinu, and Chiharu. Neko doesn't like the idea of the school's Deer Club, and wants to gat rid of such a 'idiotic' thing. In th other hand, Kinu and Chiharu enjoy Deer Club, although they arent apart of it. Of course, Neko is the show's 'mandatory' villain.
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