Chapter 2: Live While We're Young

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"We're doing it, Ella," Shi elbowed.

She completely took me out of my praying state. "Ow," I said softly while rubbing the place she hit.

"You sure know how to take us out of our places of meditation," Alaina sassed.

"Wow. Independent Alaina Goldberg is a sassy one. I like it." She got the window seat and looked at us after placing her grey travel pillow around her neck. "We can rotate every now and then."

I laughed. "We got Sassy Laina and just as sassy Shi," I joked. "Did you take your Dramamine?" I leant over to reach into my bag to take out the small bottle.

She gave me the look that I often give her. "Do I need it? I don't get motion sickness... wait do I?" She started to exaggerate and place a hand on her chest and another on her forehead. "Oh, is it me or does it feel tighter in here?"

I stared blankly at her, trying so hard not to crack a smile. I gave in once Laina let a loud cackle out. "I retract my earlier comment about you being sassy," I grabbed one of her hands and placed a pill in her palm. "Just take it, you baby." I turned and gave Laina a pill before popping a pill myself.

"It mainly helps with motion sickness but it also has a drowsy effect. It'll make you sleepy soon," Laya informed Shi.

"I really need to read the label on that thing." Shiloh took the vial out of my hand.

"I know I'm not gonna get bored with you two," I leaned back in my seat. Shiloh mockingly repeated my words with Alaina laughing at her. I wasn't wrong. Shiloh has always been the happiest of us. She could easily change the atmosphere in whichever room she walked into. She was the most social but also happened to be the most sassy. She's been like that since the day we met as little girls. She is so kind and inviting, it's difficult to hold anything against her. Since she was the most social, she knew everything about anyone. She was what Alaina and I call "the information center of all things social." Alaina was the opposite. She's the quiet one of us. She was more informed about everything in life and any book, not on people and their personal lives. She evened us out. If it wasn't for Shiloh, we would have never stepped foot at any sporting event, school dance, or even any extracurricular club that wasn't academic. Growing up in the church, I learned nuggets of wisdom from my parents. I was the girl they'd come to if they struggled with anything. We all matched each other's personalities so perfectly. I also got a good show out of the two girls a handful of times with their polar opposite personalities.

Once in the air, the pilot gave us the okay to use our electronics. Shiloh instantly took out her laptop to scroll through her twitter and all her other social media. Alaina was never into that stuff. She was more into google for any record to help her with her studies. I usually only went online for a couple of my social media like Tumblr and the good old Facebook to catch up with the family. What I needed to do was read the note from Sebastian that still remained folded in my hoodie's pocket.

"Dang Shi!" Alaina said as she took out her university brochure.

"I told my mom that I would be online so she can video chat with us," she answered.

I looked over at her chat list. "Shi?"

"Yeah?" She replied so oblivious.

"It's 9 am right now. Who would be on?" I looked at her holding a book between my hands.

"No need for your attitude, but it was worth a try," she quietly giggled.

"We also just saw them, like, thirty minutes ago. What happened to becoming adults," Alaina half mumbled not looking up from her brochure. I laughed before putting my earbuds in. I drowned them out before I could hear another unnecessary and unserious argument. 

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