The gods

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Ianite's POV

I watched the Wizards as they set down the man and told him to come talk to me. I didn't recognize him so I quickly ran back to my throne and sat down. I had never really looked like a goddess to myself so I just sat like a regular girl. The man immediately realized I was there and tilted his head.
"Who are you?" The man questioned. Looking at me.
I laughed,"Well I should ask the same thing huh. But I am Ianite. Goddess of balance. Now who are you?" I questioned. The man bowed and I giggled.
"My lady I am Captainsparklez or Jordan. A Captain of Sparklez?" He questioned himself then started laughing.
"You're very funny Captain," I laughed at him,"I can tell that already."
"Ahem well my lady I am supposed to ask for your protection," Jordan explained standing up from him bow.
"Why do you need protection?" I asked looking at him.
"Well I don't really understand it myself..."He trailed off putting his head down.
"Now now Captain. I'm sure you did nothing wrong. I will gladly protect you," I laughed, and he snapped his head up. He looked at me surprised.
"Really? You mean that?" He inquired dumbfounded.
"Of course!" I yelled enthusiastically.
"Thank you my lady!" He hugged me. But soon let go.
"Sorry my lady I got carried away," he apologized.
"It's fine Captain. I mean I wasn't going to complain," I giggled. A minute later Dianite appeared.
"Um so my follower Tom wants me to protect the guy by the name of Sparklez or Jordan. He said he should be with you. Was he right?" Dianite asked and I pointed to the Captain.
"Hello Dianite, I assume," Jordan greeted bowing.
"For once SOMEONE who respects me!" Dianite yelled in glee.
"Ow..." Jordan groaned not used to Dianite's loud voice.
Dia cleared his throat,"Um sorry Sparkley boy..."
"It's fine..." Jordan laughed whining again.
"So I'm conflicted one of my followers wants you dead and the other one doesn't..." Mianite appeared behind the Captain.
"Please explain what I did. Cause I still have no idea why he's mad..." Jordan whimpered.
"He says you're stealing the girl he likes," Mianite laughed.
"You have got to be kidding me..." Jordan shook his head.
"I think I'll protect you actually. I'm reasonable and Sonja seemed to be very passionate about letting you live. Plus Tucker's reason was just plain stupid," Mianite explained. Jordan nodded a thank you to the God.
"Uh hey Ianite? Is there a place I can sleep by any chance?" The Captain asked quietly.
"Yes definitely. Here one second," I laughed and quickly set up a bed on the second floor of my house.
"Thank you my lady," he bowed and went up to get some sleep.
"Okay well I'll take first watch for protecting this guy. Night," Dianite volunteered.
"I'll take second and Mianite takes third," I laughed.
"Okay," Mianite agreed,"Night."
"Until tomorrow my Captain..." I thought before drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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