The Curse of the Mirror

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Welcome boys and girls, my name is Deirdre Stephenson and I am your host with the most. I want to welcome you all to my campfire story telling where I will tell horror stories that would frighten anyone who dares to hear these tales. But first do pass around the candy apples and s'mores I have made enjoy a nice treaty while hearing my haunting tales. Now everyone is comfortable now we can begin as our first tale is a cursed story but sorry to say it won't have a happy ending people will die in the story and for the cursed item it stays cursed waiting to take more lives. There is a small shop located in Manhattan as it takes antiques of all sorts while there was a mirror that was made in what seems to be the 1800 style waiting in a lonely corner waiting to be bought. One Sunday morning a woman by the name of Tina Richards who entered the ship she noticed the mirror as she approaches the mirror as she stands there looking at it and realizes there wasn't a price for it so she went to ask for help and when she returns with one of the workers asking how much is the mirror because she wants to buy it. It stands on the floor as the worker says thirty dollars and it was hers. Tina takes the mirror to the cash register as she pays for the mirror she goes straight home with it very happy she got the mirror because she really needed one the one in her bedroom broke so she had to get a new one. When Tina got home she put the mirror in a perfect spot in her bedroom as she stood in front of it looking at herself pleased she bought it and besides it was only thirty dollars was worth it. Since she got the mirror Tina would every morning get dressed in front of the mirror getting dressed for work. One day Tina decided to take a selfie on her phone standing by her mirror as she looked at the photo she just took she screamed because she looked like she was covered in blood. Tina has not a clue what this means as she tries to put it off her mind. But as days goes by now Tina's health has started to change first off she was beginning to get pains in her stomach to the point she will throw up that will be how painful it will be. Tina called in sick at work saying she is sick and will return when she feels better. More days goes by that Tina's stomach is not getting better but worse as she begins to throw up but with blood this time. More days goes by the problem grows worse for Tina as she grows weaker by the day as she continues to throw up not being able to hold nothing down. Tina decides to call for the ambulance to arrive as they did they take Tina to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital as the doctors were working on figuring out what was wrong with Tina Richards as they took all the tests they could need to find out what is wrong with the patient but all the tests they did showed nothing. The doctors are stumped what is wrong with her so they admit her to the hospital yet clueless what they are up against. It now has been a week that Tina Richards has been admitted to the hospital yet the doctors still can't figure what is wrong with their new patient that had unexplained problems along with vomiting up blood to and all the test they did didn't tell them at all what is wrong with Tina. Another week went by as Tina was still at the hospital one morning the morning nurse went in to give Tina her meds for pain and check her signs. When the nurse got in her room she screamed from the sight as Tina laid in bed dead in bed covered with blood. A week later there was a funeral for Tina Richards as her family and friends attend to it as one of the relatives brought back the mirror where she got it which now stays waiting to be bought again. No one knew it was the cursed mirror that took Tina because her family never had her death investigated. A month later after the funeral the mirror was never sold again well not yet any how nor does the shop owner is aware of the mirror being cursed if they knew they would have it destroyed but for now it stands back at the lonely corner the same one that aTina noticed it when she was the unlucky one to buy it. Now that concludes our first horror tale while I hope boys and girls what curse items can do to one that owns it. Well boys and girls I do hope you come back again for another take because I am only warming up and I do have far more curse stories to tell. Well this is your host with the most bidding there a farewell until we meet again for another take by my lovely campfire. Don't forget to sleep with the light and never know what lurks in the dark that might grab you in your sleep and eat you up alive.

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