Opos Eponymous

16 2 5

Deus Culpa
You love instrumentals. And you always listen to an album until it's finished.
Or you are looking for a ghost song that you can listen too, when you are sleeping.

Con Clavi con dio
You want to prove that ghost is satanic.
And you like the guitar solo because of Rain.

You are mad because this song wasn't in the best-of-album. You like how Dewdrop always steals the show. And you like primos voice.

You thought this song would describe the queen of England- but then you saw the lyrics.
Or your name is Elisabeth and you are saying to yourself that he sings for you.

Stand by him
You love the way he says „the night of the witch"

Satan Prayer
Okay we get. You love satan.

Death Knell
You are dirty minded.
And you love rain.

Prime Mover
You love the guitar in this song.
And you like how he whispers sathanas.

You think this song is underrated.
And you are SO right.

What your favorite Ghost song(s) say(s) about you (english)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt