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You know this one? Wow.

Per Aspera ad Inferi
You love the voice of cumulus.
And you are wondering why he sings about the
Harry Potter zombies.

When you sing this song your voice gets creepy.

Jigolo Har Megiddo
You love Terzo.
You are dirty minded.
And you think this song is kinda positive.

Ghuleh/ Zombie Queen
The only thing you like about this song is the guitar solo.

Year Zero
You are basic. You are still trying to proof that ghost is satanic. And you can scream. Very loud.

Body and Blood
Everyone around you is afraid of you because you are dancing to a song about blood.

You still think that you are papas little children.

Depth of Satan's Eyes
You are looking for new Ghoulette lines. Congrats you found them.

Monstrance Clock
You like epic songs.
And you always get emotional when he says come together. Because it reminds you of your last ritual. And you always crying when you see the music video.

What your favorite Ghost song(s) say(s) about you (english)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt